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全球速看:用友网络: 用友网络2022年可持续发展(ESG)报告(英文版)

来源:证券之星    时间:2023-03-24 20:36:38

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                            2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                           Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. ("Yonyou", "the Group", "the Company"


About the                                  and "we") has been disclosing its non-financial information annually since          CONTENTS

Report                                     2022.

                                                                                                                               About the Report                                                   Future Prospects                          58

Reporting Scope

                                                                                                                               Chairman"s Message                            02                   Content Index                             60

Organizations covered by the Report: The report is primarily about Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd., and covers its

                                                                                                                                                                                                  GRI Content Index                         60

headquarters, industrial parks, subsidiaries in China and abroad, its controlling shareholders and actual controllers.

                                                                                                                               About Yonyou                                  04                   UN Sustainable Development Goals          61

Reporting Period: From January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022. Part of the Report is beyond the reporting period in order                                                                           (SDGs) Index

                                                                                                                               Company Profile                               04

to ensure consistency.

                                                                                                                               Improving Environmental, Social and           06

Release Cycle: This is an annual report. The previous report was released in March 2022.                                       Governance Management Architecture

                                                                                                                               Awards and Recognitions                       08

                                                                                                                               Social Responsibility Certifications          09

Reporting Standards


The report has been prepared to comply with the GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards by the Global Sustainability

Standards Board (GSSB) and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (SDGs). For the disclosure of                  Feature Story:

indicators in this report, please refer to the "GRI Content Index" and the "SDGs Index" in the "Content Index" section. As a

listed company on the main board of Shanghai Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as "SSE") (stock code: 600588), this            With the Spirit of Craftsmanship for 35 Years, YonBIP Enables Digitalization and                  10

report also refers to the social responsibility disclosure suggestions of SSE.                                                       Intellectualization Successful in More Enterprises and Public Organizations

                                                                                                                                     Sound Governance                       16                    Talent Development                   42

Data and Information Disclosure

The data and information disclosed in the Report are derived from:                                                                   Improving Corporate Governance          18                   Improving Recruitment Management     44

· Internal data collection system and relevant statistical statements of the Company                                                Adhering to Compliance Operation        20                   Expanding Development Space          45

· Outstanding sustainability practices of the Company

                                                                                                                                     Strengthening Data Security and         26                   Deepening the Employee Care          49

· Questionnaires developed to collect qualitative and quantitative information based on the report framework

                                                                                                                                     Privacy Protection

All financial data disclosed in the Report is derived from the Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. 2022 Annual Report

(“Annual Report”). Should there be any inconsistencies between the Report and the Annual Report, the Annual Report

 shall prevail. Unless otherwise indicated, the currency used is RMB.

                                                                                                                                     Green Practice                         32                    Better Society                       52

                                                                                                                                     Providing Green and Sustainable         34                   Gathering Ecological Partners        54

How to Get the Report                                                                                                                Solutions                                                    Innovating Public Welfare Practice   55

                                                                                                                                     Practicing Green and Low-carbon         39


The Report is released in electronic version, it can be downloaded from our website:


Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                            2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                                                                                              In 2022, we have set up a sustainable   technology products and services          During the year, we completed the

Chairman"s                                                                                                    development committee at the            as the core, we enable thousands          registration of "walk side by side

                                                                                                              senior management level to              of industries to accelerate the           with friendship" volunteers in the

Message                                                                                                       promote the deep integration            green transformation, build an            volunteer association in city level,

                                                                                                              of the Environment, Social and          environment-friendly production           and the volunteer management

                                                                                                              Governance (ESG) concept and            and operation mode, and                   moved forward to specialization

                                                                                                              the company"s all business              jointly address the challenges            and systematization. The company"s

                                                                                                              management activities from the          of climate change. We focus on            public welfare activities are

                                                                                                              top level, and comprehensively          ourselves, continue to improve            wonderful and fruitful.

                                                                                                              improved the company"s ESG              the green operation mechanism,

                                                                                                              management level. Yonyou"s              increase the use of clean energy,         The development of enterprises in

                                                                                                              sustainable development work has        comprehensively promote the               the new era requires Environmental,

                                                                                                              entered a new stage.                    scientific management of energy           Social and Governance concepts

                                                                                                                                                      and resources consumption, and do         with a sustainable development

                                                                                                              By sticking to the right path,          a good job in energy conservation,        perspective. In the magnificent era

                                                                                                              we build a solid foundation for         consumption reduction and carbon          of comprehensively accelerating

                                                                                                              development.                            reduction.                                the digital and intelligent process

                                                                                                              Since the listing, we have strictly                                               of thousands of industries, Yonyou

                                                                                                              followed relevant laws and              Build a platform to protect the           will work hand in hand with the

                                                                                                              regulations and various regulatory      growth of talents.                        vast number of stakeholders, focus

                                                                                                              rules, constantly improved the          We systematically promote                 on building a "great power" in the

                                                                                                              corporate governance structure,         the construction of employee              digital economy era, earnestly

                                                                                                              strengthened internal control,          development platform, improve             fulfill social responsibilities,

                                                                                                              disclosed information according to      the effectiveness of talent retention     practice sustainable development,

                                                                                                              law, managed investor relations,        and employee career development           and continuously contribute to

                                                                                                              adhered to equity distribution and      in multiple dimensions, carry out         comprehensively supporting

                                                                                                              value management, and attached          employee training at different levels,    Chinese path to modernization.

                                                                                                              great importance to the protection      implement medium and long-

                                                                                                              of the rights and interests of          term incentive plans such as equity

                                                                                                              shareholders and creditors of the       incentives, care about the physical

                                                                                                              company. As the world"s leading         and mental health of employees,

                                                                                                              cloud service and software provider,    and strive to build the company into                     Wang Wenjing

                                                                                                              we regard data security and privacy     a platform for employees to "work

                                                                                                              protection as the core priorities       happily, achieve careers, and share                         Chairman & CEO

                                                                                                              of the company"s development,           success", and create a better life                          Yonyou Network

                                                                                                              establish and continuously improve      with each employee.                                      Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                                                              the system, strengthen the technical

                                  In this year, the 20th National    technology", and launched a new          and lay a solid foundation for          help build a better society.

                                  Congress of the Communist Party    business innovation platform -           ensuring the information security.       We build the Yonyou public welfare

                                  of China was successfully held,    YonBIP 3 within the year to upgrade                                              cloud ecosystem, empower many

                                  which comprehensively planned      the integrated service matrix and        Through technology                      public welfare organizations with

                                  the strategy of Chinese path to    product ecology. At the same time,       empowerment, we protect the             advantageous cloud technology

                                  modernization. The goal of high-   we have opened the era of ecological     ecological environment.                 services and products, and

                                  quality economic and social        2.0, comprehensively constructed         We fully support the "3060" goal of     contribute to digital and intelligent

                                  development puts forward higher    the "Yonyou Ecological Partnership       carbon peak and carbon neutrality.      transformation in the public welfare

                                  requirements for the digital and   Network", enabling customers to          With the Yonyou Jingzhi Industrial      industry; We expand the scope

                                  intelligent transformation of      acquire innovation capabilities in the   Internet Platform as the core, we       and depth of China"s commercial

                                  thousands of industries. We have   new era of economic development          implement the "platform + carbon        and cultural heritage protection,

                                  always adhered to the mission of   characterized by digitalization and      peak and carbon neutrality" plan.       and further enhance our support

                                  "promoting business and social     intellectualization.                     With the industry-leading clean         for relevant research projects.

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

About                             Company Profile

Yonyou                            Founded in 1988, Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. (Stock Code: 600588)               office and so on, providing

                                  is a global leading provider of cloud services, software for enterprises and            customers with digital, intelligent,

                                  public organizations. Yonyou is continuously committed to using creativity              highly flexible, safe and reliable,    •According to Gartner research, Yonyou is the only Asia-Pacific

                                  and technology to promote business and social progress. It built and operated           platform-based, ecological, global       manufacturer in the top 10 of the global ERP SaaS market, and

                                  a world-leading business innovation platform, YonBIP, to help enterprises               and social enterprise cloud service      the only Chinese enterprise SaaS manufacturer listed in the

                                  conduct digital and intelligent transformation and business innovation and has          products and solutions, and helping      top 15 of the global Application Platform Software, and ranks

                                  helped over 10 million enterprises.                                                     enterprises develop with high            among the top 10 in the global Financial Management System

                                                                                                                          quality.                                 (FMS) market and Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) market.

                                  From platform technology, application architecture to scenario service

                                  and ecosystem, YonBIP has achieved a comprehensive breakthrough and                     Yonyou adheres to the core values      •According to IDC data, Yonyou continues to lead the Chinese

                                  innovation, reaching the global leading level, allowing enterprise cloud services       of "Friend of Users, Continuous          enterprise cloud service market, ranking first in the market

                                  to be used on demand, making digital and intelligent value everywhere, making           Innovation, and Professional             share of Chinese application Platform as a Service APaaS,

                                  business innovation so convenient, bringing unique value to enterprises,                Struggle" and create value for           China"s enterprise applying SaaS, and it has ranked first in the

                                  industrial economy and society, and building the "great power" of digital and           customers. At present, Yonyou has        market share of super-large and large enterprises applying SaaS

                                  intelligent enterprise in the era of digital economy.                                   more than 230 branches and more          in China for many years in a row. It is a major brand of China"s

                                                                                                                          than 10,000 ecological partners in       enterprise digital and intelligent service and independent

                                  YonBIP focuses on the core fields of digital and intelligent platform and               the world. Many leading enterprises      innovation of software localization.

                                  intelligent finance, digital human resources, smart supply chain, intelligent           in the industry have chosen YonBIP

                                  procurement, intelligent manufacturing, digital marketing, digital and                  as the platform for digital and

                                  intelligent research, digital projects, digital and intelligent assets, collaborative   intelligent business innovation.

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                  2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                  In 2022, Yonyou set up a Sustainable Development Committee under the

Improving                         Board of Governors of the Group, with the chairman and CEO of the Group and

                                                                                                                                               Yonyou Sustainable Development (ESG) Committee

                                  the Vice President of each key post as members, taking overall responsibility

Environmental,                                                                                                                  In the direction of carbon neutrality, we actively promoted product and service innovation, helped

                                  for the company"s environment, society and governance (ESG) work. ESG


                                                                                                                                customers and ecological partners operate and manage green operations, implemented quantitative

                                  management of the Group entered the 2.0 mode.

                                                                                                                  and Service

                                                                                                                                performance of product emission reduction, achieved resource and energy saving, and reduced the

Social and                                                                                                        Innovation

                                                                                                                  Group         impact on the environment

Governance                                                                                                                      We actively responded to the state"s strategic planning and deployment requirements on carbon peak

                                                       Yonyou Sustainable Development                             Green         and carbon neutrality, formulated the company"s carbon reduction strategy and implementation strategy,

Management                                                    (ESG) Committee                                     Operations    put the focus of green operation such as clean energy use, energy consumption management, deepening

                                                                                                                  Group         environmental concepts, etc. into practice in its own operation process, achieved low-carbon internal

Architecture                                                                                                                    operation, and promoted the realization of the company"s carbon neutrality strategic goal.

                                                                                                                                We actively promoted the harmonious development between the company and stakeholders, including:

                                                                                                                                paying attention to the rights, welfare, safety and health of employees, maintaining a compliance and fair

                                                                                                                                investor relationship, safeguarding the rights and interests of users and customers, fulfilling supply chain


                                        Product                      Social        Corporate      Information                   responsibility management, monitoring healthy cooperation with suppliers and business partners, good



                                      and Service                   Harmony       Governance       Disclosure                   communication with the community, participating in community development, responding to social needs



                                      Innovation                     Group          Group            Group                      through public welfare donations, and improving social performance to achieve corporate social value.



                                                                                                                                We optimized the rights and responsibilities of shareholders, the board of directors and senior

                                                                                                                  Corporate     management, strengthened internal control, avoided out-of-order business behavior, established a

                                                                                                                  Governance    perfect anti-corruption punishment mechanism, standardized moral behavior standards, established

                                                                                                                  Group         and improved the modern management system, formed a scientific and rational corporate governance

                                                                                                                                organizational structure, and ensured the sustainability of enterprise development.

                                            Environmental            Social               Governance                            We established and promoted the company"s ESG information disclosure mechanism, undertook the

                                                                                                                                collection and submission of the company"s ESG information, the preparation and release of the ESG report,


                                                                                                                                internal and external publicity, etc.; We actively communicated with stakeholders about the company"s ESG


                                                                                                                                strategy and related information to enhance the company"s sustainable development influence.


Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                      2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

Awards and Recognitions                                                                                                      Social Responsibility Certifications

                                                                                                                             In 2022, Yonyou continued to improve the social responsibility management

                                                                                                                             system and promote the social responsibility work to be organized,

 Granted By                                         Awards

                                                                                                                             professional and systematic. During the year, the company completed the

 CCTV "Great Power Brand" project team              CCTV " Great Power Brand" honorary enterprise title                      supervision and follow-up review of ISO14001 (environmental management

                                                                                                                             system), ISO45001 (occupational health and safety management system),

                                                    "Huapu" Award, the Top Annual Award on Branding Achievements for         SA8000 (social responsibility standard) and other authoritative certification,

                                                    Chinese Enterprises                                                      and maintained the validity of relevant certificates.

 The 16th China Brand Festival

                                                    Top 500 Chinese Brands

 Forbes                                             2022 China"s Top 100 Digital Economy

 National Technical Committee for

 Standardization of Integrated Management of

                                                    Industrialization and Urbanization

 Industrialization and Urbanization

 China Communications Society, Fujian Provincial

 Department of Industry and Information             Top 10 Industrial Internet platform brands in 2022

 Technology, etc

 CCID Media and China Computer News                 Best Enterprise Award for ICT Industry Ecological Service in 2022

 CCID Consultant


 China"s Leading Science and Technology Industry                                                                                                              SA8000 certification

 Think Tank JAZZYEAR

 Digital Industry Innovation Research Center, etc

                                                    Innovative Products" Award

 BiJiXia&InfoQ                                      2022 Top 50 Digital and Intelligent Innovation Of Chinese Enterprises

 Global technology community InfoQ                  APICloud Won the "Technology Development Driving Force Award"

 Ebrun                                              Top 100 Industrial Internet Companies In 2022

                                                    Product Award

 Hap Academy, Soft6.com                             2022 China Information Technology Application Innovation PaaS Platform

                                                    Excellent Product Award

                                                                                                                                     ISO14001 certification                          ISO45001 certification

 Tsinghua University Technology Innovation          2022 China MIKE Excellent Award (China"s most innovative knowledge-

 Research Center, Lanling Software                  based organization)

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                                                                                      Thirty-five years ago, the Beijing New Technology Development Pilot Zone was

                                                                                    In the Eventful   established. At that time, "Yonyou Software" was born. The company insisted

                                                                                                      on the top-level concept of "making friends with users" in the past uncommon

                                                                                    Years, the

     Feature Story:

                                                                                                      tech enterprise was awarded to Yonyou. Since then, Yonyou has stepping onto

                                                                                    Original          the road of building a "great power" and comprehensively serving the country"s

                                                                                                      economic and social development with digital and intelligent innovation.


     With the Spirit of Craftsmanship                                               Remains

     for 35 Years, YonBIP Enables                                                   Unchanged

     Digitalization and Intellectualization

     Successful in More Enterprises and                                             01

     Public Organizations

                                                                                                      On June 29, 1993, Yonyou obtained the high-tech enterprise certificate issued by Beijing

                                                                                                      Municipal Science&Technology Commission

                                                                                                      In 1996, the financial software of many domestic enterprises could not meet

                                                                                    Sailing Against   the demand, and the promotion of enterprise management informatization

                                                                                                      was urgently needed. However, due to the early start in foreign countries,

                                                                                    the Current       enterprises could only purchase foreign software, and the funds were often

                                                                                                      tens of millions or even billions. Many large domestic enterprises felt the

                                                                                    and Taking        pressure from costs.

                                                                                    Responsibility    In August 1997, Yonyou launched the first enterprise management software

                                                                                                      ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP), which provides comprehensive

                                                                                                      application of software from finance to purchase, sales and inventory for

                                                                                                      technology and level" in most enterprise reforms. In the following years,

                                                                                                      Yonyou has served the informatization construction of more than 2 million

                                                                                                      enterprises through ERP software. Not only has it established the first position

                                                                                                      of Yonyou"s enterprise management software, but it has also deeply embedded

     From application software development to digital and intelligent cloud                           the gene of scientific and technological innovation in Yonyou, and has become

     platform construction, at a new starting point, Yonyou is building and                           the unremitting power and source for Yonyou to reach the forefront of the

     running the world"s leading business innovation platform - Business                              world in the future.

     Innovation Platform (BIP), with our own digital and intelligent technology

     with independent intellectual property, to serve the digital and intelligent                     Up to now, Yonyou has become the only Asia-Pacific manufacturer of the

     transformation of enterprises. Yonyou takes the responsibility of the                            world"s top 10 enterprise-level application software1. Behind the transcript is

     times and contribute to the high-quality development of the economy.                             Yonyou"s spirit of craftsmanship and the solid support of struggle.

                                                                                                      According to Gartner research

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                                           2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                              As the digital economy is becoming a key force in restructuring global factor                                                      As a leading enterprise of domestic cloud services and software, Yonyou

Focusing on                                   resources, reshaping the global economic structure and changing the global           Starting with                                 has always adhered to independent innovation. From the leading financial

                                              competition pattern, enterprises are also facing more uncertainties of the times                                                   software in China, to the ERP leading the Asia-Pacific, to the world"s leading

Innovation and                                while experiencing the sustained and rapid development of digital technology.        the End and                                   YonBIP, the pace of Yonyou innovation has never stopped.

                                              Taking digitalization and intellectualization as the professional path to achieve

Working Hard                                  transformation and upgrading, and promoting "digital intelligent enterprises"        Keeping                                       In August 2022, after several years of large-scale research and development

                                              to become a new paradigm for enterprise development in the digital economy                                                         and continuous iteration, Yonyou officially released a landmark new product

                                              era is the key to achieving high-quality development of enterprises.                 Improving                                     - YonBIP 3, which achieved comprehensive breakthroughs and innovations

                                                                                                                                                                                 in platform technology, application architecture, scenario services and


                                              enterprise services, deeply integrate technology and applications, and form

                                              a new strategic layout with "Yonyou Cloud" as the core, and integrate cloud

                                              services and software development, officially entering the "Yonyou 3.0" era. In

                                              localization and globalization", Yonyou launched a new business innovation                                                                technology to achieve cross-cloud technology breakthroughs and multi-

                                              platform - YonBIP, to boost the new "intelligent manufacturing" of Chinese                                                                cloud adaptation capabilities.


                                                                                                                                                                                        We initiated the continuous delivery system on and off the cloud, built

                                                                                                                                                                                        a complete automation engineering system, achieved the agile delivery

                                                                                                                                                                                        of the same set of code on and off the cloud, and accelerated enterprise

                                                                                                                                                                                        business innovation.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Leading multi-tenant and multi-data center technology.

                                                                                                                                                                                        We independently developed a multi-dimensional data engine

                                                                                                                                                                                        (integration of storage and calculation), realizing 100% independent,

                                                                                                                                                                                        safe and controllable, and supporting rapid consolidation of "multi-

                                                                                                                                                                                        criteria, multi-currency, primary and secondary tables" under the scale

                                                                                                                                                                                        of hundreds of billions of data, and one-click tabulation.

                                                                                                                                                                                        Safe and reliable domestication of information and innovation

                                                                                                                                                                                        adaptation provides enterprises with reliable, independent and

                                                                                                                                                                                        controllable digital and intelligent platform services.

     YonBIP build a variety of scenario-based applications, comprehensively promoting the digital and intelligent transformation

     of enterprises in terms of customer-oriented, ecological co-development, employee initiative, real-time perception, data-

     driven and intelligent operation, and is affectionately called "omnipotent Internet platform" by many users.

                                              Based on the latest information technology, YonBIP empowers enterprises

                                              to carry out product and business innovation, organizational and

                                              management reform, build or reconstruct a platform-based and ecological

                                              multi-service body for enterprise development through digitalization and

                                              intellectualization, and help thousands of industries" business innovation

                                              "go deep and pratical", and achieve digital and intelligent transformation. As

                                              of the first quarter of 2022, YonBIP has more than 2,300 enterprise service

                                              application models covering the core fields of finance, human resources,

                                              supply chain, manufacturing, marketing, research and development, and

                                              has built more than 300 enterprise core scenario applications of "process            By combining digitization, intellectualization and information innovation, YonBIP 3 realize the real domestic value substitution of

                                              service+data service".                                                               Chinese enterprises and become a "great power" serving the digitization and intellectualization of enterprises.

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                   2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                             By the end of 2002, YonBIP 3 had 2,468 independent software vendors (ISV),      After more than 30 years of hard work, the vision of "popularizing YonBIP and

                                             colleges and training partners, and 1.1 million registered developers.          has become a reality. Today, more than millions of enterprises and public

                                                                                                                             organizations in China and Asia-Pacific choose Yonyou software and cloud

                                                                                                                             services, more than 16,000 products and services have been entered, and

                                                                                                                             nearly 80% of China"s "Top 500" enterprises have become long-term strategic

                                                                                                                             customers of Yonyou. Nearly 65% of state-owned enterprises choose Yonyou


              Under the digitized and intelligent innovation, we created a "new engine" for high-quality                     as their digital partner, and Yonyou dominates the market among large and

              development with YonBIP.                                                                                       medium-sized enterprise customers.

      Hangzhou Steel Group was founded in 1957. After             as well as key applications such as intelligent

      more than 60 years of development, it has become            finance, human resources management, contract

      a large modern enterprise group with the pattern            management, etc. to help the Group continuously

      of "2+2" industry. The pattern of "2+2" industry            improve its innovation ability, consolidate and            We will continue to use creativity and technology to promote

      refers to the strategic superiority industry with steel     deepen the application of the group systematic             business and social progress. Yonyou has been in its 35th year since

      intellectual manufacturing and modern circulation,          construction system, effectively docking group

      and the strategic emerging industry with energy             industrial data such as energy conservation,

                                                                                                                             its establishment in 1988 to 2022. It has witnessed the different

      conservation, environmental protection and digital          environmental protection, steel manufacturing,             stages of the application of information technology in Chinese

      technology.                                                 trade, digital economy and technological innovation        enterprises, from lagging behind developed countries, to catching

                                                                  service industry etc. "Speak with data and make            up, and now to leading. It is precisely because of the environment

      Through YonBIP digital, intelligent base and key            decisions with data", YonBIP provided strong               that we have the confidence to create a global leading digital

      field services, Yonyou has provide Hangzhou                 support for the group industrial budget, decision-

      Steel Group with data center, collaborative office          making, investment, operation, supervision, etc.

                                                                                                                             intelligent platform to serve our customers, the industry and the

      portal entrance and collaborative office platform,                                                                     society.

                                                                                                                                                                                      ——Wang WenJing

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                          2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

Sound                                                                                    01


Yonyou continuously explores the best model of modern corporate

governance, and establishes a sustainable development committee

at the senior management level to coordinate the ESG management

of the whole group, continues to deepen the compliance operation,

improves the management mechanism and institutional system, and

takes the construction of compliance culture to a new level. Yonyou

further strengthens the data security and privacy protection, lays a solid

foundation for ensuring information security, and the connotation of

"friend of users" is more profound.

Improving Corporate Governance                       18

Adhering to Compliance Operation                     20

Strengthening Data Security and Privacy Protection   26

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                                          2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                            Yonyou persists in exploring the best practices of modern corporate

Improving                                   governance, actively promotes the integration of Environment, Social and

                                                                                                                                                                               Information Disclosure

                                            Governance (ESG) concepts into all aspects of corporate governance, and                                                            We always adhere to the compliance, transparency and professionalism of

Corporate                                   continuously optimizes corporate governance capabilities.                             273                                          information disclosure, constantly improve the timeliness and quality of

                                                                                                                                                                               information disclosure through multiple channels, and ensure that investors

Governance                                                                                                                        Hotline calls of                             timely, complete, accurate and equal access to company-related information.

                                                                                                                                  investors answered

                                            Institutional Construction                                                                                                         In 2022, we completed the preparation of 200 temporary announcements and

                                                                                                                                                                               the disclosure of relevant documents, such as the announcement of share

                                            In 2022, in combination with new regulations and requirements, we revised                                                          repurchase, the announcement of equity incentive, the announcement of the

                                            and improved the Articles of Association of Yonyou Network Technology                 51                                           use and management of raised funds, through the website of the Shanghai

                                            Co., Ltd., the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Directors of Yonyou Network                                                      Stock Exchange, the Shanghai Securities News, the Securities Daily, the China

                                            Technology Co., Ltd., the Rules of Procedure of the Board of Supervisors of           Questions on the SSE                         Securities News, the Securities Times and other legal information disclosure

                                                                                                                                  E interactive platform

                                            Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd., the Rules of Procedure of the General                                                         media, without receiving inquiries from the CSRC and the Exchange.


                                            Meeting of Shareholders of Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd., the

                                            Management System of Related Transactions of Yonyou Network Technology                                                             We attach great importance to the protection of the rights and interests of

                                            Co., Ltd., and the External Investment Management System of Yonyou Network                                                         minority shareholders. During the year, we answered 273 investor hotline calls,

                                            Technology Co., Ltd and so on which were reviewed and approved by the board           107                                          answered 51 questions on the SSE E interactive platform, and responded to 107

                                            of directors, to further build a solid institutional foundation to ensure the legal                                                investor emails. At the same time, we established a "weekly report on investors"

                                            compliance of corporate governance and the steady development of business             Emails of investor                           concerns" system to facilitate the company"s management to understand the


                                            operations.                                                                                                                        feelings and thoughts of minority shareholders in a timely manner. In 2022,

                                                                                                                                                                               we made investors know the latest development of the company in a timely

                                                                                                                                                                               manner by holding an online investor roadshow and participating in the

                                                                                                                                                                               performance briefing organized by the Shanghai Stock Exchange Roadshow

Quality and Efficiency of Execution of Duty                                                                                                                                    Center.In addition, we actively organized offline company research and

                                                                                                                                                                               reverse roadshows to promote investors to fully and intuitively understand the

We stipulate the attendance rate of the board of directors in the Articles of Association of Yonyou Network Technology                                                         company"s new products and business progress.

Co., Ltd., and made it clear that the board members should attend the board of directors of the company and exercise

their voting rights, except in the case that they are unable to attend the board of directors for non-business reasons. The

board meeting should be held only when more than half of the directors are present. In 2022, all the directors of the

company performed their duties diligently, and the attendance rate of the board meeting was 100%. The Company"s 2021

Annual Report and Summary, the Company"s 2021 Sustainable Development (ESG) Report, the Company"s 2022 Semi-

annual Financial Report and other proposals were reviewed and passed. The improvement of ESG management level was

promoted at the top-level of corporate governance.

We attach great importance to the independence and professionalism of directors. The members of the special

committees of the board of directors are all composed of directors, among which the independent directors of the

audit committee, the nomination committee, and the remuneration and evaluation committee account for the majority

and serve as the convener; The independent directors of the company independently perform their duties and are not

affected by the major shareholders, actual controllers or other organizations or individuals having interest relation with

the listed company. We actively explore the diversification path of the board of directors, scientifically and fully consider

the term of office, responsibilities, qualifications and other factors of independent directors, and promote the selection

and employment of female independent directors.

We are committed to continuously improving the performance and governance ability of the directors, supervisors and

senior executives of the company, and organize the directors, supervisors and senior executives to participate in the

training of the Shanghai Stock Exchange, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, the China Association of Listed

Companies, the Beijing Association of Listed Companies, etc. every year, and provide full service for their participation

in the training and daily performance, and actively feed back their opinions and suggestions during the performance of

their duties to the company to ensure compliance performance. In 2022, the board of directors, supervisors and senior

executives of the company participated in eight training sessions with the theme of "listed companies do a good job

in ESG" and "ESG helps enterprises develop with high quality", and the ESG management concept and ability were

                                                                                                                                      In August 2022, we held the annual business innovation annual meeting in Guangzhou - a special exchange conference for

effectively improved.

                                                                                                                                      investors. We invited the company"s core investors and mainstream securities companies to participate in various sub-forums,

                                                                                                                                      and organized a special exchange conference for investors, and facilitated stakeholders to understand the highlights of the

                                                                                                                                      company"s new products and business performance, which was widely praised.

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                               2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                  Yonyou strictly abides by the baseline of compliance, insists on fully integrating

Adhering to                       the business ethics concept into daily operation, and is committed to

                                                                                                                       System Optimization

                                  continuously improving the responsibilities of each responsibility entity            We establish and continuously improve the "Three in One" policy consisting of employee behavior management, anti-

Compliance                        of compliance management to ensure the long-term stable and healthy                  fraud work management, and reporting and handling management to lay a solid institutional foundation for the stable

                                  development of the company.                                                          development of the company. In March 2022, we completed the revision and optimization of several key compliance

Operation                                                                                                              management systems, such as the Supervision System of Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd., the Internal Audit System

                                                                                                                       of Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd., and the Regulations of Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. on Punishment of

                                  Firmly Establishing the Baseline of Compliance                                       Employees" Violations, and officially released them. The quality and efficiency of the company"s compliance operation,

                                                                                                                       employee behavior management, and audit supervision were further improved. At the same time, we paid attention to

                                  We focus on the current high-quality compliance management of enterprises,           the management of subsidiaries, promoted the formulation and release of audit supervision and punishment policy of 12

                                  establish and improve the compliance management mechanism, constantly                subsidiaries in the year, and the compliance operation management of subsidiaries reached a new level.

                                  improve the compliance operation system, deeply promote audit supervision

                                  and integrity education, cultivate the compliance culture, and the compliance

                                  concept is deeply rooted among the people.


                                                                                                                                                                                                            Release    Scope of

                                                                                                                        Policy            Main Content                                                                               Approval

                                  Mechanism Support                                                                                                                                                         Date       Application


                                  We establish a business ethics management mechanism in which the                      Supervision       The responsibilities and authorities of the supervisory           March 4,   All staff     Board of

                                  directors and senior management are directly responsible and the functional           System of         organization, supervisory personnel and the supervision           2022                     directors

                                                                                                                        Yonyou Network    department of the Group, the supervision work procedures,

                                  departments have a clear division of labor. The Company"s Audit and

                                                                                                                        Technology Co.,   the punishment rules, the supervision opinions and the

                                  Supervision Department is responsible for internal audit, reporting and               Ltd               implementation of the punishment decisions.

                                  investigation and handling of violations, and reporting the audit work to

                                  the Board of Directors and the Audit Committee. The Board of Directors of             Internal Audit    The responsibilities and authorities of the internal audit        March 4,   All staff     Board of

                                  the Company appoints a member (director in charge) to take charge of the              System of         institutions, auditors and the Group Audit Department,            2022                     directors

                                  Company"s internal audit and supervision work on behalf of the Board of               Yonyou Network    the audited objects and business scope, the internal audit

                                                                                                                        Technology Co.,   procedures, penalty rules, the implementation of audit

                                  Directors. The company appoints a senior manager to concurrently serve as

                                                                                                                        Ltd               recommendations and punishment decisions.

                                  the general manager of the Group Audit and Supervision Department, who

                                  is responsible for the specific internal audit and supervision work under the         Regulations of    The types and application of punishment for violations, the       March 7,   All staff     Board of

                                  leadership of the director in charge. The Human Resources Department is               Yonyou Network    person responsible for violations, and the punishment and         2022                     directors

                                  responsible for staff compliance training and education.                              Technology        decision-making procedures of the person responsible for

                                                                                                                        Co., Ltd. on      violations.


                                                                                                                        of Employees"


                                                                                                                        Yonyou Group      Ensure that the informant is protected in the process of          July 16,   All staff     Director

                                                                                                                        Reporting         assisting the investigation. The staff who accept the report      2021                     in charge

                                                                                                                        Management        or participate in the report investigation shall strictly abide

                                                                                                                        Regulations       by the confidentiality discipline, and shall not disclose or

                                                                                                                                          report about the informant"s identity information to any

                                                                                                                                          department or individual without authorization. Any act of

                                                                                                                                          discrimination or retaliation against the informant is strictly


                                                                                                                        Regulations       The concept and form of fraud, the attribution of anti-fraud      December   All staff     Director

                                                                                                                        on the            responsibilities, the prevention and control of fraud, the        21, 2016                 in charge

                                                                                                                        Management        reporting, investigation and statement of fraud cases, the

                                                                                                                        of Anti-fraud     permanent organization and functions of anti-fraud work,

                                                                                                                        Practice of       the communication channel of anti-fraud information, the

                                                                                                                        Yonyou Group      guidance and supervision of anti-fraud work, and the remedial

                                                                                                                                          measures and punishment of fraud.

                                                                                                                        Yonyou            Formulate and standardize the relevant contents of the            July 24,   All staff     Board of

                                                                                                                        Employee          basic standard of conduct for employees to ensure that            2019                     directors

                                                                                                                        Standard of       employees act correctly in business conduct. Specify the

                                                                                                                        Commercial        laws and regulations, social ethics and company rules and

                                                                                                                        Conduct           regulations to be observed, prohibited behaviors related

                                                                                                                                          to employees" interests, avoidance of conflicts of interest,

                                                                                                                                          job avoidance, etc. The principles and ways of reporting,

                                                                                                                                          the process of accepting and handling, and the punishment

                                                                                                                                          regulation for violations.

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                               2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                                                                                                                                      Audit Supervision

      Regulations of Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd. on Punishment of Employees" Violations

                                (Excerpt from anti-corruption content)                                                                                In 2022, we made solid progress in audit supervision, carrying out 48 audit

                                                                                                                                                      supervision projects including departure audit, performance audit, special

                                                                                                                                                      audit, and internal control evaluation during the year, and corrected the

                                                                                                                                                      problems found in the audit and supervision process, so as to ensure the long-

     Corruption refers to the behavior of the company"s employees or a third party to obtain improper or                                              term and stable development of the company.

     illegal benefits by cheating and other illegal means.

                                                                                                                                                                       ·Investigate the completion of the audit object"s business

     Practices of corruption include but are not limited to the following:

                                                                                                                                                                        performance, whether there are major decision-making

                                                                                                                                                                        mistakes and control defects in management, and whether

                                                                                                                                                       Audit            of responsibility.

           other properties of high value from suppliers or partners are considered as accepting bribes);

                                                                                                                                                                       ·Audit the authenticity of the audited entity"s performance.

           paying customers and other performance data related to the assessment;                                                                      Audit

                                                                                                                                                                       ·10 performance audit projects were completed during the year.

                                                                                                                                                                        management of audited entities.




                                                                                                                                                                        based on regulatory requirements and actual conditions of their

                                                                                                                                                                        own operations.



                                                                                                                                                                        implemented during the year.

                                                                                                                                                      We strive to strengthen the construction of the audit talent system, build a

           misappropriation and theft of company property;                                                                                            management skills and the company"s core values; we systematically sort

                                                                                                                                                      out and optimize the professional development model of auditors, carry out

                                                                                                                                                      special training in audit thinking explanation, project exchanges, and company

                                                                                                                                                      and audit thinking relying on key audit project. The audit talent team and

                                                                                                                                                      capabilities were improved with remarkable results: the implementation

                                                                                                                                                      audit reports increased by 108% year-on-year, and the number of the

           interests of the company.                                                                                                                  17% year-on-year.

                                                                                                                  Growth in implementation            Growth in number of the                      Growth in release efficiency of

                                                                                                                  efficiency of departure audit and   completion of departure audit and            departure audit and performance

                                                                                                                  performance audit projects          performance audit projects                   audit reports

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                               2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                  Employee Behavior Management and Incorruptibility Education                                                           Practicing Responsible Procurement

                                  We continue to build a long-term mechanism of "Dare not corrupt, can"t                                                We continue to strengthen the responsibility construction of the procurement

                                  corrupt, and don"t want to corrupt", deepen the handling of both symptoms                                             system, and under the framework of the Yonyou Procurement Management

                                  and root causes, and build a good transparent business culture and ecology.                                           System , we have developed a secondary procurement system for the three

                                  In 2022, we strengthened the implementation of supervision work, carried out                                          major business types of conventional procurement (including IT equipment

                                  of violations in high-risk business links, and punished and notified 17                                               integration procurement, further refining the procurement operation

                                  employees with serious violations; We accepted and completed the handling                                             specifications, and improving the responsible procurement management

                                  of 10 integrity reports in accordance with the Supervision System of Yonyou                                           mechanism.

                                  Network Technology Co., Ltd., effectively curbed the occurrence of violations

                                  of employees, and further improved the company"s compliance culture                                                   We fully implement the SA8000 social responsibility management system,

Yonyou Network                    construction level. By the end of 2022, our audit and supervision coverage of         100         %                   and take the Sunshine Cooperation Commitment and Supplier Social

Technology Co., Ltd.              the Group"s own high-risk business has reached 100%.                                                                  Responsibility Commitment as the annexes to the Supplier Qualification Status

Incorruptibility Culture                                                                                                Coverage of signed              Table , requiring all suppliers to sign and promise to effectively cooperate with

Promotion Page                                                                                                          company supplier

                                  We accelerate the promotion of integrity education and integrity culture                                              the comprehensive implementation of the company"s social responsibility

                                  promotion methods iterative updates, the company"s official website launched                                          management system. In 2022, we conducted a social responsibility audit on

                                  the integrity culture promotion page within the year, to convey the company"s                                         24 suppliers involved in key project cooperation through on-site inspection,

                                  management to the integrity issue of the "zero tolerance" attitude and voice,                                         covering the formulation of anti-corruption policies and the construction of

                                  and established the company"s clean operation image of going straight, going                                          social responsibility management system. By the end of 2022, our Sunshine

                                  far, and operating in the sunshine.                                                                                   Cooperation Commitment and Supplier Social Responsibility Commitment

                                                                                                                                                        signed have covered 100% of the company"s suppliers, and required all

                                  In 2022, we continued to carry out the study and examination of the Code of                                           suppliers cooperating with the company to establish a sound anti-corruption

                                  Conduct for Yonyou Employees covering all regular employees, promoted the                                             and social responsibility management policy system.

                                  compliance training of employees" business behavior through the method

                                  of "online learning + offline training",and implemented the training and                                              During the year, we adhered to the concept of "Yonyou should be the model

                                  assessment. The pass rate of the examination reached 93.9%. We compiled the           3                               user of Yonyou products", relying on our own advantages of cloud service

                                  publicity and implementation materials of incorruptibility culture for subsidiary                                     technology, promoted the use of the professional procurement platform

                                  companies and new employees, organized and carried out three times of                 Working days reduction of       "youGo" throughout the group, integrated the procurement business into

                                  publicity of incorruptibility culture for all employees, and comprehensively          procurement approval time       an efficient cloud platform for implementation, and realized the transparent

                                  promoted the business compliance concept of employees to be deeply rooted                                             online operation of the procurement business throughout the whole process.

                                  in the hearts of the people. In addition, we actively publicized the concept of                                       The company could supervise every procurement activity in the whole process

                                  incorruptibility to suppliers and partners. During the year, we carried out four      10      %                       and all links, and the business implementation and approval could be fully

                                  targeted publicity activities on incorruptibility culture. At the same time, we                                       open and traceable, realizing the visibility, control and check of purchase

                                  explicitly required all sides to abide to abide by business ethics in emails to all   Growth of efficiency            business. At the same time, the online procurement system of youGo, which

                                  suppliers and partners, emphasized that the company holds a "zero tolerance"                                          has comprehensive and integrated advantages, significantly saved the labor

                                  attitude towards bribery and corruption, and worked with suppliers and                                                and time costs of offline operation and approval. Compared with multi-

                                  partners to create a transparent business environment.                                2.7      %                      platform operation2, the procurement approval time is reduced by an average

                                                                                                                                                        of 3 working days, the efficiency is increased by 10%, and the procurement cost

                                                                                                                        Reduction of procurement cost   is reduced by 2.7%.

                                                                                                                                                        Take outsourcing business as an example

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                              2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                         Data security and privacy protection are the core tasks of Yonyou as a software                                          In 2022, we prepared and revised several data security and privacy protection

Strengthening                            and information service enterprise. Yonyou strictly complies with laws and                                               systems covering account passwords, data, privacy, content, emergency

                                         regulations such as the Network Security Law of the People"s Republic of                                                 response, etc. in accordance with the latest laws and regulations and industry

Data Security and                        China, the Data Security Law of the People"s Republic of China (hereinafter                                              regulatory requirements such as the Administrative Measures of Data

                                         referred to as the Data Security Law ), the Personal Information Protection                                              Security in the Industry and Information Technology (Trial), the Rules for

Privacy                                  Law of the People"s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Personal                                           Implementation of Personal Information Protection Certification, the Rules for

                                         Information Protection Law ), and takes network security, data security and                                              Implementation of Data Security Management Certification, and the Measures

Protection                               privacy protection as the baseline of the company"s operation, and continues                                             for the Evaluation of Data Situation Security, effectively ensure that the

                                         to improve the management mechanism. In 2022, we focused on a series of                                                  company"s information security work is comprehensive, orderly and efficient.

                                         newly issued national information security and privacy protection laws and

                                         regulations and regulatory provisions, and carried out key work in regulation

                                         and system construction, security capacity construction, internal security

                                         governance, and security awareness deepening, to ensure the effective

                                         implementation of the company"s various security strategies and objectives,

                                         and improve the company"s overall information and privacy protection level.

                                                                                                                           Policy                                Main Content                                    Release Date             Scope of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 (status)                 Application

Optimizing Mechanism and System                                                                                                                                  Establish a product safety and emergency        April 2022 (officially   Group wide

                                                                                                                                                                 response team, clarify the specification        released)

In 2022, we comprehensively upgraded the security organizational structure, upgraded the Group Information Security                                              requirements of data protection measures

Management Committee to the Group Information Security and Privacy Protection Committee, fulfilled the group"s             Product Safety and Emergency          such as vulnerability collection, evaluation,

internal security management and supervision responsibilities, and ensured that national laws and regulations related      Response Specification                repair, disclosure, and incorporate them

                                                                                                                                                                 into the management of the whole

to information security and privacy protection and industry regulatory requirements were fully implemented. The Group

                                                                                                                                                                 product lifecycle.

Information Security and Privacy Protection Committee consists of the Information Security and Privacy Protection

Leading Group, the Information Security Working Group and the Privacy Protection Working Group. Among them, the

Information Security and Privacy Protection Leading Group is headed by the Senior Vice President in charge of security,

                                                                                                                                                                 Clarify the division of responsibilities        April 2022               Group wide

the members include the main leaders in charge of product research and development, human resources, legal affairs, IT,

                                                                                                                                                                 between the network area and the Internet       (tentative to official

agency management and various business groups and subsidiaries within the Group.                                           Internet Export Security Management   export management department, and               release)

                                                                                                                           Rules                                 clarify the processes and requirements for

                                                                                                                                                                 opening Internet exports.

 Information Security and Privacy                                                          Information Security

     Protection Leading Group                                                                 Working Group                                                      Conduct classified management on                July 2022 (revised       Group wide

                                                                                                                           Account and Password Security         accounts and standardize password               and issued)

                                                                                                                           Management Rules                      setting requirements for various accounts.

Assessed the overall security                                                       We promoted internal security

risks according to the company"s                                                    governance, handled security

development strategy and national                                                   incidents, and promoted the                                                  Implement the Data Security Law and             August 2022              Group wide

laws and regulations and industry                                                   promotion and implementation of                                              clarify the requirements of data ownership,     (revised and

regulatory requirements, and                                                        various Group security requirements    Data Security Management System       data classification and data lifecycle          issued)

                                                                                                                           (Trial)                               management.

formulated the Group"s overall                                                      within the organization to meet

information security and privacy                                                    regulatory compliance and Group

protection strategy and goals.                                                      security objectives

                                                                                                                                                                 Implement the Personal Information              August 2022              Group wide

Provided decision-making and                                                                                                                                     Protection Law , and stipulate the              (officially released)

resources for information security                                                                                                                               company"s requirements and privacy

                                                                                                                           Personal Information Protection

and privacy protection work, and                                                                                                                                 provisions in the collection, storage,

                                                                                                                           Management Specification

                                                                                          Privacy Working Group

reviewed and approved important                                                                                                                                  sharing, use and destruction of personal


matters related to information                                                      Interpreted relevant national

security.                                                                           laws and regulations on privacy

                                                                                    protection and met customers"                                                Carry out security control on the               September                Group wide

Coordinated and promoted the                                                        needs for privacy protection.          Content Security Management           platform providing registration and             2022 (officially

construction of various safety tools                                                                                       Specification                         content publishing, and fulfill the main        released)

and protective measures, guided                                                     Handled privacy security risks,                                              responsibilities.

and designed and supervised the                                                     optimized privacy protection

implementation of various safety                                                    systems and processes, and                                                   Standardize the security management             October 2022             Group wide

                                                                                                                           Mobile Application Security           requirements and procedures for mobile          (officially released)

work.                                                                               promoted the realization and

                                                                                                                           Management Specification              App online

                                                                                    implementation of privacy

                                                                                    protection foundations.

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                                  2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

Building a Secure System

                                                                                                                                                      YonBIP Network and Information Security Emergency Plan (Excerpt)

We steadily promote the construction of information security capabilities, improve the information security system,

and take multiple measures to improve the information security and data protection capabilities; we do a good job in

the annual inspection and maintenance of information security certification to ensure that the company"s information

security level is always at a high level. In 2022, we joined the Data Security Professional Committee of the China Computer            Emergency organization structure (part):                       Network and information security incident

Industry Association, and also became a member of the "Zhuoxin Big Data Program" of the China Academy of Information                   the leading group is composed of persons                       response process (part, taking Level I

and Communications Technology.                                                                                                         in charge of all fields, responsible for the                   incidents as an example): for data leakage

                                                                                                                                       organization, management, coordination and                     security incidents, the leading group shall

                                                                                                                                       implementation of YonBIP system network and                    report in time according to the relevant

Capacity Building                                                                                                                      information security work, and responsible for                 provisions of the National Network Security

                                                                                                                                       the evaluation of major events and emergency                   Incident Emergency Plan . The report contents

During the year, we continued to improve the company"s information security assurance capability through various ways                  response command; the security expert group                    include but are not limited to: the overall

including system upgrading, platform construction, technical cooperation, security audit, etc.                                         is composed of security architects or security                 situation of the type, quantity, content and

                                                                                                                                       managers in various fields, providing decision-                nature of the personal information subject,

                                                                                                                                       making suggestions and technical guidance                      the possible impact of the incident, and the

                   R&D Process Management: We issued R&D Management System 5.0, which integrates safety and credible                   for emergency response, tracking the follow-                   disposal measures that have been taken or

                   requirements on the original basis, and defined specific safety activities, key roles and outputs. At the           up problem repairing to the closed loop, and                   will be taken, contact information of relevant

                   same time, we conducted inspections through decision review and technical review points to ensure the               participating in the emergency response of                     personnel for incident handling, etc.

 System            implementation effect of safety activities.                                                                         network and information security incidents

 Upgrading                                                                                                                             when necessary.

                   Product Security: We established the PSIRT organization of the Group, established a complete security issue

                   handling and grading process, patch release process, vulnerability response and repair SLA and standardized

                   vulnerability disclosure standards.

                   Situation-aware Platform: The construction of dual centers on and off the cloud, with a security probe

                   coverage rate of more than 99%, realized dynamic perception of security issues, and constructed an

                   infrastructure network security inspection and early warning system

                   Yonyou Security Center: Covered YonBIP, NCC, U8, Yonyou Government Affairs, Changjietong, U9C and                   According to the classification of security                    Emergency training and drill (part): hold

                   other product lines, gathered the historical information security vulnerabilities of each product line, uniformly   events, formulate the processing flow of                       emergency plan training at least once a year

                   released security patches, and focused on the group"s security release channels to create a unified outlet for      network interruption, hacker attack, large-                    for relevant personnel of information security

                   the group"s security information release, so as to better help customers improve the security of operating          scale virus (including malware) attack,                        system; organize emergency action drills at

                   products.                                                                                                           database system failure, and equipment                         least once a year to improve the emergency

                                                                                                                                                                                                      response capacity.

                  Network Space Exposure Monitoring Platform: The group-level Internet service asset exposure risk

 Platform                                                                                                                              hardware failure.

 Construction     monitoring platform was officially operational, which can obtain the security risk warning of the group"s

                  external Internet services and handle it at any time. At the same time, in accordance with the Internet export

                  security Management Rules , it follows the principle of non-opening if not necessary, and strictly controls the

                  relevant violations in the management of network security exports.

                  Content Security Audit Platform: Strictly implemented the Group Content Security Management

                                                                                                                                                                            Certification System

                  Specification , vigorously carried out content security governance within the Group, and all systems involving

                                                                                                                                                                            In 2022, we successfully passed the annual inspection of security certification

                  user registration and content release were forced to access the content security audit platform. At the same

                  time, the auditors of each business department conducted manual verification to ensure the compliance                                                     of classified protection, ISO2700 series and trusted cloud series. By the end of

                  operation of the Group"s business.                                                                                                                        2022, the proportion of self-owned businesses certified by ISO27001, ISO27701,

                                                                                                                                                                            ISO27017, ISO27018, C-Star, DCMM (Data Management Capability Maturity

                   Expanded technical cooperation in security ecology, carried out in-depth communication and cooperation                                                   Assessment Model), classified protection, trusted cloud service, trusted cloud

                   with multiple data security technology companies within the year, and comprehensively strengthened the


                                                                                                                                                                            security, trusted R&D operation, EAL3+, etc. reached 100%, The company"s

                   ability of threat intelligence collection, vulnerability scanning, risk assessment, code audit, etc.


                                                                                                                                                                            information security management level has reached the top level.

                   Deeply promoted the code security audit of key products and business lines. By the end of 2022, the Group

                   had scanned 17 billion lines of code. Through the research and development of the production line security

                   control system, information security vulnerabilities were found and handled in a timely manner, and the                                                                        Passed the "Trusted R & D Operation Security Capacity

 Security Audit

                   security of released products was systematically improved.                                                                                                                     Maturity Assessment (Enhanced Level) Certification" of

                                                                                                                                                                                                  the China Academy of Information and Communications

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Technology, and the overall pass rate reached 99.5%.

For key products such as YonBIP, we have prepared, continuously revised and improved the emergency plan for

information security incidents, formulated the classification, response process, early warning and prevention mechanism,

emergency response measures, etc. of information security incidents, and ensured that active and passive response                                                                                 Passed the China Electronic Information Industry

measures are deployed in place and targeted. In 2022, we participated in the attack and defense drills organized by the                                                                           Federation DCMM (Data Management Competency

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People"s Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the MIIT)                                                                           Maturity Assessment) Party B Level III certification,

and other national institutions for many times, and won the title of "Excellent Defense Practice Enterprise" in the "Casting                                                                      marking the Group"s data products and data service

network 2022" industrial Internet security real network drill of the MIIT.                                                                                                                        capabilities as the industry leader.

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                                 2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

Strengthen Privacy Protection                                                                                                 We regularly audit the personal information management of the main responsible department for personal information

                                                                                                                              protection, including but not limited to the implementation of various security specifications and privacy agreements,

In 2022, we formulated and issued the Yonyou Group Personal Information Protection Management Specification                   the effectiveness of security technology, relevant approval and time processing records, etc. We formulated and

applicable to all business groups of the Group, all cloud and software subsidiaries, all regional institutions and customer   signed the Supplier Information Security Agreement with suppliers to clarify the information security requirements

business departments, which made clear provisions and commitments on the collection, transmission, storage and use            and responsibilities of suppliers in terms of products, services, systems, etc. In 2022, we conducted a review of the

of personal information, and further clarified the personal information subject"s3 right to delete, query and change, copy    implementation of the Supplier Information Security Agreement on 10 suppliers, and the review qualification rate reached

and transfer, and revoke the authorization of personal information, to ensure the compliance and legality of the Group"s      100%.

personal information and data processing, prevent the disclosure or illegal use of personal information, and effectively

protect the interests of customers.                                                                                           During the year, we added personal information and data protection functions such as user login confirmation, dynamic

                                                                                                                              update of privacy policy, and pop-up window of privacy policy to the company"s products. At the same time, we further

                                                                                                                              strengthened the management of group applications (Apps), and carried out special governance of privacy security for

                                                                                                                              the first-level departments, business groups, and branch offices within the group. The rectification rate of privacy security

            Yonyou Group Personal Information Protection Management Specification (Excerpt)                                   vulnerabilities reached 97.6%, and the privacy security risk of the group"s core business App was significantly reduced. In

                                                                                                                              all levels.

     Collection of                                                    Storage Management of

     Personal Information                                             Personal Information

     Any organization, department or personnel shall                  Unless otherwise specified by laws and                                                              Improving Employee Training

     not collect personal information in the form                     administrative regulations, the storage period

     of fraud, deception or misleading, or obtain                     of personal information set shall be the shortest                                                   We regularly carry out information security training covering all employees,

     personal information from illegal channels, or                   time necessary for processing purposes, and                                                         focusing on employees with technical lines such as research and development,

     collect personal information that is explicitly                  meet the requirements of national laws and                                                          testing, operation and maintenance, and operation, and provide employees

     prohibited by laws and regulations and relevant                  regulations and relevant provisions of the                                                          with training covering information security defense, high-frequency fore-end

     provisions of the industry authorities.                          industry authorities.                                                                               vulnerabilities, privacy information security protection, threat intelligence

                                                                                                                                                                          active defense and other contents in a combination of online and offline. In

     Minimum necessity requirements: the type                         If the service or operation of the product is                                                       2022, we further expanded the training coverage, including fresh graduates of

     of personal information collected should be                      terminated, the user shall be notified at least                                                     2022, and comprehensively strengthened the information security awareness

     directly related to the business function of the                 30 days in advance, and the user"s personal                                                         of new employees through various types and multi-dimensional security

     product or service, and personal information                     information shall be deleted or anonymized                                                          awareness training. By the end of 2022, we had conducted 12 training sessions

     should not be collected beyond the scope;                        after the service or operation is terminated.                                                       on information security, involving 23,000 employees. In addition, we conducted

     Personal information should be collected in                                                                                                                          security training for third-party personnel for suppliers, with 500 participants

     the way that has the least impact on personal                                                                                                                        during the year.


                                                                                                                                                                              By the end of 2022

     Sharing and Transfer of                                          Entrusted Processing of

     Personal Information                                             Personal Information

     The sharing and transfer of personal                             If it is necessary to entrust a third-party

     information is prohibited. If there is a real and                organization to process the personal                                                                    12                                      23,000

     objective need to share and transfer personal                    information collected by the company, the

     information (such as legal requirements), the                    entrustment should not exceed the scope of                                                              Trainings on                            Annual participants of

                                                                                                                                                                              information security                    employees

     initiating department of personal information                    the authorization of the personal information

     sharing and transfer shall fill in the application               subject. The relevant business department

     and submit it to the company"s Network                           should jointly evaluate the entrusted party                                                             In addition, we conducted security training for third-party personnel

     Security Department for approval. At the same                    with the Group Network Security Department                                                              for suppliers.

     time, the initiating department shall sign a data                to ensure that it has sufficient personal

     sharing and transfer agreement with the data                     information protection level, including but not

     receiver to clarify the relevant responsibilities                limited to: security qualification, the system,                                                         500

     and obligations. The sharing and transfer                        ability and practice of personal information

     agreement shall be reviewed by the Group                         protection specification/data security                                                                  Annual training participants

                                                                                                                                                                              of third-party personnel

     Network Security Department and the Group                        specification.

     Legal Department.

Natural person identified or associated with personal information

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                        2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

Green                                                                                  02


Yonyou fully supports the "3060" goal of carbon peak and carbon

neutrality, constantly improves the top-level design of product strategy

and development, relies on the advantages of technology and products

to enable the green transformation of thousands of industries, insists

on promoting the implementation of clean energy use, scientifically

implements energy consumption management and emissions

management, practices green operation, and works with partners to

minimize the disturbance of the operation process to the environment,

and jointly safeguard the green waters and mountains.

Providing Green and Sustainable Solutions           34

Practicing Green and Low-carbon Operations          39

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                                         2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                  Yonyou is committed to using its advantageous products, services and

Providing Green                   technologies to help customers achieve environmental sustainability, and

                                                                                                                                                                                Empowering Circular Economy

                                  works with customers and partners to jointly address the challenges of                                                                        The "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" for the Development of Circular Economy

and Sustainable                   environment and climate change.                                                                                                               points out that vigorously developing circular economy is of great significance

                                                                                                                                                                                to safeguard national resource security, promote the realization of carbon peak

Solutions                                                                                                                                                                       and carbon neutrality, and promote the construction of ecological civilization.

                                  Optimizing Product strategy and Development                                                                                                   Yonyou Jingzhi integrates 5G, Internet of Things, artificial intelligence and

                                                                                                                                                                                other new generation information technologies, integrated full connection

                                  We have actively responded to policies including the Opinions of the CPC                                                                      intelligent factory solutions, scrap5 intelligent identification solutions, etc., to

                                  Central Committee and the State Council on the Complete and Accurate                                                                          create a solution suite of "Jingzhi Industry Internet + carbon peak and carbon

                                  Implementation of the New Development Concept to Do a Good Job of                                                                             neutrality", and achieve energy consumption, emissions and consumption

                                  Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality, the Action Plan for Carbon Peak before                                                                     reduction by digital and intelligent means.

                                  integrating the strategic goal of "Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality" with our                                                                The traditional inspection and grading of scrap steel mainly rely on visual

                                  own development, and actively participating in the response to global climate                                                                 inspection, caliper measurement and other means. There are many defects

                                  change with the support of our own advantageous technologies and products.                                                                    such as large human factors, cumbersome procedures, many objections

                                                                                                                                                                                to grading quality, low efficiency and low accuracy. Yonyou has built a "5G

                                  In 2022, we set up the Sustainable Development (ESG) Committee under the                                                                      + industrial Internet + scrap intelligent recognition solution" by combining

                                  board of governer to identify opportunities related to clean technologies,                                                                    advanced technologies such as image acquisition, automatic photography,

                                  set strategic plans and goals for clean technology development, promote                                                                       in-depth learning, data interface, 5G communication, etc. It uses the most

                                  innovation in clean technology-related products and services, and help                                                                        advanced in-depth learning algorithm based on convolutional neural network

                                  customers and ecological partners reduce their carbon footprint and achieve                                                                   to build a scrap intelligent recognition model by training a large number

                                  environmentally friendly operations. At the same time, we incorporated                                                                        of scrap images, so as to achieve remote monitoring of scrap inspection,

                                  "platform + carbon peak and carbon neutrality4" and other clean technology                                                                    intelligent grading of scrap and intelligent determination of the amount of

                                  innovation and application related plans into the company"s core long-term                                                                    impurities deducted.

                                  strategy "Development BIP", and strategically promoted products and services

                                  with cloud technology and industrial Internet as the core to provide more green                                                               By the end of 2022, Yonyou"s scrap intelligent identification solution has

                                  development solutions for customers.                                                                                                          applied for 9 patents and software copyrights, and has full independent

                                                                                                                                                                                intellectual property rights. It has been widely used in more than 10 iron and

                                  During the year, we continued to increase R&D investment, introduced high-                                                                    steel enterprises, such as Ansteel Group, Jiyuan Iron and Steel, Minyuan Iron

                                  end R&D talents, and enhanced the core application ability of clean technology-                     Scrap is a green resource and the         and Steel, Xinyang Iron and Steel, Jingye Iron and Steel, and Xinhua Metallurgy,

                                                                                                                                      only resource that can replace iron

                                  related products, platforms, and services. The R&D investment reached 2.92997                                                                 to help iron and steel enterprises significantly improve the scrap recycling

                                                                                                                                      ore for steelmaking. It has high

                                  billion yuan, up 24.5%.% year on year.                                                              environmental protection value for        efficiency and help the steel industry achieve the "carbon peak and carbon

                                                                                                                                      the steel industry.                       neutrality" goal.

                                  In order to help enterprises save energy and reduce consumption and help achieve the goal of

                                   "carbon peak and carbon neutrality", Yonyou integrates intelligent factory system, scrap grading

                                   system and post equipment service system to create a "Jingzhi Industry Internet + carbon

                                   peak and carbon neutrality" solution, helps enterprises reduce energy consumption, resources


                                                                                                                                                      "Yonyou Jingzhi + carbon peak and carbon neutrality" solution helped the steel industry

                                   consumption and emissions, and achieve green manufacturing.

                                                                                                                                                      achieve the goal of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality"

                                                                                                                                            ·Minyuan Iron and Steel:                                  ·Jiyuan Iron and Steel:

                                  Deepening Product Technology Empowerment

                                                                                                                                            The "5G + ultra-low emission fugitive emission            Based on the solution of "Jingzhi industry Internet

                                  Technology empowers "carbon peak and carbon neutrality" goals and                                         management, control and governance integrated             + carbon peak and carbon neutrality", Jiyuan Iron

                                  innovation drives development. As the world"s leading enterprise cloud service                            platform" jointly built by Yonyou and Minyuan             and Steel has achieved an accuracy rate of more

                                  and software service provider, we continue to strengthen the independent                                  Iron and Steel met the environmental monitoring,          than 95%, a quantity of nearly 500,000 tons of

                                  scientific and technological innovation capability of Yonyou Jingzhi Industrial                           pollution prevention and scientific decision-making       scrap, and an annual cost savings of tens of millions

                                  Internet Platform (hereinafter referred to as " Yonyou Jingzhi") by building and                          needs of fugitive dust under the new situation,           of yuan.

                                  operating the world"s leading business innovation platform - YonBIP, and jointly                          and helped Minyuan Iron and Steel to complete

                                  with the leading enterprises in thousands of industries to explore new paths,                             the announcement of the ultra-low emission

                                  create new synergy and build a new ecosystem for the "5G+industrial Internet",                            transformation and evaluation and monitoring

                                  promote the deep integration of "5G+industrial Internet" technology and entity                            progress of iron and steel enterprises of the China

                                  industry, and help achieving the goal of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality".                             Association of Industry, it was also selected as the

                                  By the end of 2022, Yonyou Jingzhi has been deployed and launched in 33                                   fifth batch of "green factories" by the Ministry of

                                  provinces, cities and regions across the country, with 1.42 million sets of                               Industry and Information Technology of China.

                                  industrial equipment connected and 22,000 industrial applications, providing

                                  more than 286 industrial enterprises with lower cost and higher value services.

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                 2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                            Empowering Energy-saving Products

                                                                                                                                                                         Yonyou intelligent factory system helped multiple


                                                                                                                                Yonyou smart factory

                                            The service extension is one of the new modes of the industrial internet,

                                                                                                                                                                         high-energy-consuming industries to achieve energy

                                                                                                                             system enables enterprises

                                            and it is also a key "booster" to help the manufacturing industry explore

                                                                                                                                                                         saving and consumption reduction.

                                                                                                                               to make energy-saving

                                            and formulate green product standards and service standards, guide green               manufacturing

                                            production, optimize energy consumption management of high-energy-

                                            consuming equipment, and realize energy conservation and consumption                                                 Welding Material Industry: In Sichuan Daxiyang, an intelligent

                                            reduction in the manufacturing process. The "post-equipment service system"                                          factory based on Yonyou Jingzhi built an intelligent manufacturing

                                            is a specific product of Yonyou Jingzhi Industrial Internet service extension.                                       system that integrated software and hardware, human-material-

                                            The system takes intelligent equipment as the core and comprehensively                                               equipment-information system interconnection, introduced a

                                            links equipment manufacturers, equipment service providers and equipment           Production                        series of intelligent equipment such as Automated Guided Vehicle

                                            owners based on the Internet. It provides services for the whole lifecycle of      Equipment                         (APV), Rail Guided Vehicle (RGV), robot, and stereo storehouse, and

                                            the equipment. Through intelligent Internet of Things, remote monitoring,                                            realized the integrated interconnection of intelligent equipment.

                                            intelligent operation and maintenance, intelligent diagnosis and other tools,      Replace the old high-             It realized refined, intelligent and unmanned production of

                                            the equipment operation conditions are monitored in real time to ensure            energy-consuming                  material distribution based on in the whole process based on

                                            that the equipment always runs in the optimal energy consumption state and         equipment in the factory          production process pull, and promoted enterprises to reduce

                                            achieve resource conservation.                                                     with green, innovative            water consumption by 90%, gas consumption by 30%, and

                                                                                                                               and energy-saving                 comprehensive energy consumption by 10,000 yuan added value

                                                                                                                               intelligent equipment,            by 30%.

                                                                                                                               reduce carbon emissions


              Yonyou Jingzhi helped professional equipment manufacturers transform to zero-carbon

                                                                                                                               from the source, and              Petrochemical Industry: In Fujian Petrochemical Group, the

              green energy service providers

                                                                                                                               realize the green                 intelligent factory built by Yonyou realized the integration of

                                                                                                                               upgrading and intelligent         production and operation, and improved the coordination

                                                                                                                               transformation of the             efficiency by 30%. By opening up the production plan, workshop

      Shuangliang Group is a leading domestic enterprise         monitoring, intelligent after-sales, intelligent              factory.                          scheduling, workshop tasks and various production links, the

      in the field of energy-saving and environmental            energy and other functions, helping a customer"s                                                scheduling efficiency was increased by 20%, the equipment idle

      protection equipment. It has core competitiveness          air-cooling system to significantly improve energy                                              rate was reduced, and energy consumption was reduced. Through

      in the high-end manufacturing field of "energy             efficiency, and saving 1.38 million yuan in annual                                              the optimization of the device, energy conservation and emission

      saving, water saving and environmental                     electricity bills.                                                                              reduction could be achieved, and electricity could be saved by 7,700

      protection", and has ranked among the top 500                                                                            Production                        kWh per day.

      Chinese enterprises for many years. Based on               In addition to Shuangliang Group, at present, the             Management

      Yonyou"s Jingzhi industrial internet platform,             post-equipment service system has been promoted                                                 Metallurgical Industry: In Jiangxi Copper Guiye, Yonyou

      Shuangliang Group built an "intelligent operation          and applied in more than 50 enterprises such as               Based on the intelligent          Intelligent Factory assisted enterprises to build a centralized and

      and maintenance platform for energy equipment",            Shuangliang, Longgong and Cangnan Appearance,                 algorithm, the "zero" idle        integrated intelligent manufacturing platform, eliminated isolated

      reconstructed the products and industrial forms            helping enterprises in the fields of clean energy,            of the entire production          islands of information, and realized the comprehensive collection

      of post-equipment service and operation and                combined energy heating and other fields to build             process is realized               of factory "data does not fall to the ground"; Through human-

      maintenance service, and provided equipment-               B2B2C heating service platform, and achieving                 through reasonable                machine data calculation, intelligent key operations were realized,

      centered full-life cycle services such as installation     intelligent energy operation and maintenance of               scheduling, ensuring that         and the full-load operation rate of flash furnace and converter

      services, Internet of Things services, fault diagnosis     more than 330,000 heating users and more than                 each "drop" of energy is          blowing time ratio of smelting workshop were significantly

      and forecasting, and after-sales services based on         400 million square meters of planned heating area.            used in production, and           improved, and the energy consumption per ton of copper in anode

      public cloud service models, realizing intelligent                                                                       reducing energy loss              furnace was significantly reduced.

                                                                                                                               caused by equipment

                                                                                                                               shutdown, material

                                                                                                                               transportation, etc.

Empowering Energy-saving Manufacturing                                                                                         Through big data

                                                                                                                               analysis and intelligent

The goal of "carbon peak and carbon neutrality" points out the path of green development for enterprise development.           decision-making,

How to effectively save energy, reduce consumption and emission in the production process and realize economical               continuously optimize

manufacturing has become a "necessary question" related to the survival and development of every manufacturing                 the production structure

enterprise. Yonyou builds a smart factory system based on Jingzhi Industrial Internet Platform, helps enterprises build        and management

smart factories according to their own pain points, realizes intelligent manufacturing in a new mode, helps enterprises        mode, improve energy

realize production structure optimization and production benefit promotion through digital and intelligent means,              utilization, and reduce

and promotes energy consumption reduction, resource reduction and emission reduction, thus realizing economical                comprehensive energy         As the world"s leading cloud service provider, we rely on high-quality cloud

manufacturing.                                                                                                                 consumption of smart         service technology capabilities to help customers achieve energy conservation

                                                                                                                               factories.                   and emission reduction in multiple scenarios, endow thousands of industries

                                                                                                                                                            with more green genes, and take solid steps to achieve the goals of carbon

                                                                                                                                                            peak and carbon neutrality together with stakeholders.

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                            2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                                                                                                                                                    Yonyou pays close attention to the impact of its own operations on the

       Promote carbon reduction through electronic and paperless procurement processes; Help companies acquire

       supplier carbon emission data and promote new material replacement to achieve carbon reduction in the

                                                                                                                          Practicing                                environment, adheres to the concepts of green, environmental protection and

                                                                                                                                                                    intelligence, and is committed to minimizing the impact of its own operations

       supply chain trading process.                                                                                                                                on the environment through measures such as using clean energy, scientifically

                                                                                                                          Green and                                 managing energy consumption, strictly implementing waste disposal, and

       By the end of 2022, there have been 280,000 enterprises registered on YonBIP procurement cloud supply                                                        deepening employees" environmental protection concepts. In 2022, we set up

       platform, 139 large and medium-sized enterprises rely on YonBIP procurement cloud to achieve 24,000

       online bidding, 20,000 participating suppliers, and 43 billion yuan in winning bids. 295 large and

                                                                                                                          Low-carbon                                a green operation working group under the Group"s Sustainable Development

                                                                                                                                                                    (ESG) Committee, which is responsible for formulating the company"s carbon

       medium-sized enterprises relying on procurement cloud have achieved 740,000 online inquiries, 90,000                                                         emission reduction strategy and implementation strategy, ensuring that

       participating suppliers, and 230.4 billion yuan in winning bids; A total of 20 million yuan of travel costs has    Operations                                key management plans for green operations are implemented, effectively

       been saved, which is equivalent to 140,000 tons of carbon emissions reduction based on the price of 1.5                                                      promoting the greening of the company"s internal operations, and supporting

       yuan per kilometer of air travel .                                                                                                                           the achievement of the "carbon peak and carbon neutrality" goal.

                                                                                                                                                                    During the year, we formulated the Carbon Peak Implementation Plan of

                                                                                                                                                                    Yonyou Industrial Park , determined the carbon peak and carbon neutrality

Calculated in mid-distance aircraft travel (200-1000 km)                                                                                                            timeline, and difined the long-term goals of energy conservation and

                                                                                                                                                                    consumption reduction.


                                                                                                                                                    Yonyou Industrial Park (Beijing) will achieve carbon peak by 2030 (coverage category 1 and





                                                                                                                                   Green            Yonyou Industrial Park (Beijing) will achieve green power accounting for not less than 50% of

                                                      YonBIP               YonBIP                                                  Energy           total power consumption no later than 2025, and green power coverage of 100% by 2030.

                                                   Collaborative             Tax

                                                       Cloud                Cloud

                                                                                                                                                    Yonyou Industrial Park (Beijing) will realize that the proportion of reclaimed water used for

                                                                                                                                                    green land irrigation will not be less than 50% of the total water consumption no later than



       Build a one-stop work portal, combined                                                                                                       Yonyou Industrial Park (Beijing) will realize the overall replacement of fuel shuttle buses no

       with various common office functions,                               With cloud technology as the core,


                                                                                                                                                    later than 2025, and achieve 100% new energy shuttle bus coverage.

       reduce multi-system and multi-channel                               comprehensively reduce traditional financial


       access, and greatly improve work efficiency;                        and tax business consumables, and use the

       Through a variety of information-based                              technical advantages of platforms such as

       collaboration methods, smoothly realize                             electronic invoice management with large

       remote and implementation collaboration,                            capacity and high degree of automation         Clean Energy Use

       reduce business travel, and reduce carbon                           to help enterprises effectively achieve low-

       footprint; Relying on comprehensive                                 carbon environmental protection.               In 2022, we expanded the use of clean energy such as geothermal and photovoltaic in multiple industrial parks, and the

       resource management and intelligent robots,                                                                        company"s clean energy utilization capacity was further enhanced.

       resources are allocated reasonably and waste                        By the end of 2022, we has provided more

       is reduced.                                                         than 61,500 tax-paying enterprises with

                                                                           tax-related, invoice-related and electronic

       By the end of 2022, YonBIP Collaborative                            accounting archiving services, with 190            Ground-source Heat Pump and Energy-                          Photovoltaic

       Cloud has served more than 1 million                                million electronic invoices issued, 240            storage Central Air-conditioning System

       enterprises and organizations, of which                             million invoices received, and 23 million

       the "You Space" collaborative platform                              electronic accounting vouchers (excluding

       built based on YonBIP collaborative cloud                           electronic business documents and                  Deploy ground-source heat pump units and energy              By the end of 2022, a photovoltaic power station

       has served more than 100,000 large and                              attachments). According to the calculation         storage central air-conditioning systems in Beijing          with a total installed capacity of 280 kilowatts and

       medium-sized customers, 50,000 paid                                 of reducing carbon dioxide by 0.002 kg per         and Nanchang Industrial Parks to achieve intelligent         an annual power generation capacity of 416,902

       enterprise customers, and more than 6                               A4 paper, YonBIP Tax Cloud has achieved a          operation of air-conditioning systems for cooling            kWh has been deployed in Nanchang Industrial

       million end users. It has been selected as                          cumulative carbon reduction of 906 tons.           and heating, and significantly reduce energy                 Park, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by about

       the office product catalog recommended                                                                                 consumption generated by traditional energy                  251 tons.

       by more than 30 provincial and municipal                                                                               methods. A total of 1,546,855 kWh of electricity was

       governments, and has become an important                                                                               saved in 2022, and carbon dioxide emissions were

       tool to comprehensively promote "paperless"                                                                            reduced by 934 tons.

       office and promote resource conservation.

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                       2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                     Comprehensive Management of Energy                                              Waste Management


                                     We have established an energy-saving work leading group set up by the           We strictly abide by the Law of the People"s Republic of China on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by

                                     Property Management Department as the authority, in conjunction with the        Solid Wastes, Administrative Measures of the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Electronic Wastes,

                                     Park Operation Department, property companies, air-conditioning terminal        the Environmental Protection Law of the People"s Republic of China and other laws and regulations, and standardize the

                                     maintenance and protection companies, etc., to be responsible for formulating   disposal process of different types of waste. No violations related to waste disposal occurred during the year.

                                     and implementing energy-saving and consumption-related plans and

                                     measures; We have revised and improved the Energy Conservation Initiative

                                     of Yonyou Industrial Park , combined with the daily inspection work carried


                                     out by the park property company, to detect and stop energy waste in a timely                 Yonyou Beijing Industrial Park deepened the practice of waste classification

                                     manner, and guide all employees to cultivate saving concepts and habits.

                                                                                                                           The company establishes a garbage classification work path covering the main links such as garbage

                                                                                                                           classification container setting, garbage classification propaganda, garbage classification supervision,

                                                                                                                           and centralized treatment at garbage stations:

     In 2022, we updated

     and revised the Energy

                                                Lighting               Water Use           Office Consumables

     Conservation Proposal of                                                                                                   waste, hazardous waste and other garbage according to Regulations of Beijing Municipality on the

     Yonyou Industrial Park and         Promoted the              In 2022, the             Broadly promoted                     Administration of Domestic Garbage.

     released it to all employees

                                        transformation of         construction of          paperless offices,              2.   The garbage site was equipped with garbage bins of 4 types of garbage, and at the same time, obvious

     to promote the company"s

     employees to more intuitively

                                        traditional lighting      municipal reclaimed      encouraged                           guidance signs were set at the garbage collection place.

     and perceptually understand        in Beijing Industrial     water connection or      employees to avoid              3.   Kitchen waste was disposed of by qualified garbage sorting units. The staff was responsible for

     the carbon emissions               Park, and replaced        rainwater collection     unnecessary printing,                publicizing the "Regulations of Beijing Municipality on the Administration of Domestic Garbage" to each

     generated by business              842 energy-saving         system in Beijing        used recycled paper,                 tenant and supervising the implementation of garbage classification. The tenant was responsible for

     activities, and to practice        LED lamps within          Industrial Park was      set up double-                       sorting the garbage into garbage storage sites, and the environmental protection staff was responsible for

     energy conservation and            the year, saving          completed, and the       sided printing, etc.,                transporting the garbage-to-garbage stations.

     emission reduction.                40% of the total          use of underground       and saved a total

                                        power consumption         water was reduced        of 84,435 sheets of

                                        compared with the         by 59,703 tons in the    paper in 2022.

                                        original lighting         year

                                        source                                                                       Publicity and Implementation of Environmental Protection Concept

                                                                                                                     We actively encourage employees to uphold the concept of environmental protection in the daily office process, practice

                                                                                                                     environmental protection, and build an environment-friendly office culture in which everyone participates and everyone

                                     Greenhouse Gas Emissions                                                        acts. In 2022, we continued to promote the "zero waste office" campaign, launched the "net zero" initiative for all

                                                                                                                     employees, established an environmental protection cultural wall, carried out tree planting activities in the "Yonyou non-

                                     We fully implement the new development concept, take the realization of         commercial forest" of the ant forest, and joined hands with each employee to practice low-carbon emission reduction and

                                     the "carbon peak and carbon neutrality" goal as a guide, and take a series of   care for the environment.

                                     positive measures to effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In 2022,

                                     we continued to carry out carbon verification work in the company"s Beijing

                                     Industrial Park, forming a complete and accurate carbon verification report

                                     through third-party professional institutions, comprehensively clarifying the

                                     carbon emission situation in the park and implementing targeted carbon

                                     reduction measures.

     As early as 2017, the Yonyou        Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Yonyou Industrial Park

     Industrial Park was awarded         (Beijing)

     the "Ecological Community

     Certification" by the China

     Ecological City Research

                                                  Tons of carbon dioxide equivalent

     Institute, marking that the

     comprehensive management            2020                                                       24,118.01

     of energy consumption and

     environmental protection of         2021                                                       26,101.12

     the Yonyou Industrial Park

     were highly recognized by the       2022                                                       28,487.20

     authoritative institutions.

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                        2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

Talent                                                                                 03


Yonyou regards talents as the precious wealth of enterprises, regards

talent growth as the core driving force for enterprise development,

continuously improves the multi-channel recruitment mechanism, and

widely accepts high-quality talents; We establish and constantly improve

talent development channels to help employees realize more value;

We improve the training mechanism, comprehensively improve the

capabilities of employees, deepen employee care, build a harmonious

workplace, and work together with every Yonyou employee to work

healthy and live a happy life.

Improving Recruitment Management                   44

Expanding Development Space                        45

Deepening the Employee Care                        49

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                                         2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                         Yonyou is committed to building the company into a "platform for employees

Improving                                to work happily, achieve careers and share successes", establishing a system                                                         Campus Recruitment

                                         structure composed of Yonyou Group Recruitment Management Rules and

Recruitment                              Yonyou Group Intern Management Rules , etc., forming a complete talent

                                         attraction mechanism, and building a compliant, harmonious and equal

Management                               employment system. We adhere to the concept of diversification in the            We broaden the channels of information exchange and comprehensively improve the quality and efficiency of

                                         recruitment process and support the career development of female employees       campus recruitment through online lectures, live broadcast and other ways.

                                         and minority nationality employees. The proportion of female employees

                                         has increased for 3 consecutive years, reaching 34.3% in 2022; the number of     Held the 2022 Spring Campus Recruitment "Youwei Youth Sharing" and "Interviewer Answering Questions";

                                         minority nationality employees reached 1,246, the highest level in history.      Held online lectures such as the 2023 Autumn Campus Recruitment " Q & A Special Session for High Potential

                                         We build and continuously improve the company"s employer brand                   Batch", " Seniors Special Session for High Potential Batch", "Q&A Special Session for Advanced Batch","

                                         communication matrix, convey real employer information and employee              Senior Special Session for Advanced Batch" and other online lectures have been watched 21,151 times

                                         experience to potential employees through various social communication           online, and the number of school recruits reached 2,106 in 2022.

                                         channels, and help the company improve the quality and efficiency of

                                         recruitment. In 2022, there were 425,976 views or broadcasts on our external     With the goal of improving the recruitment experience of the school, gave full play to the advantages of

                                         recruitment channel accounts, and we recruited a total of 10,200 new             "You Space ", optimized and upgraded the process of each link of the school recruitment, relied on cloud

                                         employees through diversified recruitment channels, and provided internships     technology and platform as the core, and comprehensively improved the efficiency of recruitment links such

                                         for 4,792 interns.                                                               as signing contracts, internship applications, entry applications, and information collection.

                                                                                                                          Cooperated with more than 10 universities including Tsinghua University, Harbin Institute of Technology,

                                                                                                                          Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Dalian University of Technology, etc., actively explored

                                                                                                                          school-enterprise cooperation models, including providing colleges with students" practice training bases,

                                                                                                                          quality talents with strong theoretical and practical abilities.

                                          Of female employees                        Ethnic minority

                                          in 2022                                    employees                            You Space is an information application developed by the company. It is the unified application entrance to "Yonyou Cloud" ecology. It is

                                                                                                                          a social collaborative office platform specially created for large and medium-sized enterprises and organizations. It provides enterprises

                                                                                                                          with core values such as office collaboration, communication collaboration to improves management and work efficiency.

                                                Social Recruitment

     Continued to increase the introduction of outstanding talents, started the recruitment of key positions in 3                                                      Yonyou promotes employees to continuously improve their core

     business groups based on the company"s talent needs, and introduced more than 200 outstanding talents.             Expanding                                      competitiveness and organically integrate their own capabilities with the

                                                                                                                                                                       company"s development through the construction of a sound employee

                                                                                                                        Development                                    training system, the establishment of multi-track parallel career development

           Expanded recruitment channels:                                                                                                                              channels, and the establishment of a complete talent retention mechanism.

           organized centralized procurement through online recruitment channels, increased the number of               Space

           headhunting suppliers, and focused on supporting technical and marketing positions. The talent

           satisfaction rate for key positions reached 100%.                                                                                                           Employee Training

           Optimized the recruitment process:                                                                                                                          We have established a three-level training system consisting of Yonyou

            promoted the recruitment management system in all branches of the company, and promoted                                                                    Learning and Training Center, training posts in business units at headquarters,

           the online and collaborative process of recruitment; Completed the docking of the recruitment                                                               and training posts in front-line institutions with the core of the employee

           management system and the back-end human resources system, opened up the recruitment and                                                                    training and cultural system based on the Management Rules for Delivery of

           induction process, and greatly improved the management efficiency.                                                                                          Yonyou Learning and Training Center, the Management Rules for Knowledge

                                                                                                                                                                       Learning and Examination Certification and Operations Guide for Cultural

           Comprehensive recruitment service:                                                                                                                          Teams of Yonyou Group , so as to form a training mechanism with clear

           promoted the sharing of recruitment evaluation tools, introduced special evaluation tools according                                                         hierarchy and clear focus to help employees continuously improve their core

           to the requirements of job sequence, and improved the quality and efficiency of recruitment; Provided                                                       competitiveness. In 2022, Yonyou Learning and Training Center conducted 223

           training courses, recruitment interview skills courses and other resources to the interviewers, and                                                         training sessions for all kinds of employees, trained 38,048 person-times, and

           promoted the company"s interviewers to enhance "soft power".                                                                                                scored 4.6 points (out of 5 points) in training satisfaction.

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                                             2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                   Upgraded the online culture and public quality micro-courses and examination question bank of new                                                               Development Channels


                                                                                                                                                                                   We earnestly practice the value of "professional struggle", implement the

                   Deepend the training system for new employees, form a combination of "online self-study + integration

                                                                                                                                                                                   "multi-channel" development mechanism for employees, establish and


                   training + on-the-job learning", a training model that is strongly related to learning and examinations, and

                                                                                                                                                                                   improve the employee development system, and provide solid support for

youth" New

Employee           comprehensively improved the quality and efficiency of new employee training.

                                                                                                                                                                                   improving the company"s professional ability.

                   During the year, 23 training sessions for social recruitment of new employees of the "Youwei Youth" were


                   completed, 4 training sessions for fresh graduates, and 1,795 people were trained. The number of online " First

                   acquaintance with Yonyou" students reached 5,780.

                   The all-hand"s product learning and examination system optimization were carried out, and the two stages of                           Built a systematic development mechanism, ensured the accuracy and sustainability of the selection of

                                                                                                                                                         outstanding talents, and helped the optimization of the company"s talent structure and high-quality business

BIP Product

                   the first and second half of the year and the Yonyou BIP 3 marketing training were organized and completed. A



Learning and       total of 21,420 people completed the study, with a passing rate of 91.1%.

Examination                                                                                                                                              Took the position and rank system as an important starting point for the construction of sequence capacity,

for All Staff                                                                                                                                            the professional position development system added 34 position sequences, all of which completed the

                   Promoted 100% participation of new grassroots cadres in training, carried out a mechanism that combines                               preparation of ability development path and job standards, providing more accurate and comprehensive

                   "business scenarios + management scenarios" seminars with "compulsory + selective" course learning, and                               guidance for the development of employees" professional ability.

                   effectively promoted new cadres to achieve role change and management competence. In 2022, a total of 463                             In the rank promotion in 2022, more than 1,200 employees were promoted to "senior", nearly 300 were

                   trainees completed their studies, with a defense rate of 92 percent and a qualified rate of 99 percent.                               promoted to "expert", and the proportion of personnel above "senior" increased year by year.



Foster of Dadre Completed the curriculum schedule construction, curriculum case development and serial case collection                                   We continued to optimize the "fast lane" development policy, and allowed employees with outstanding ability

                based on the "cadre five forces8".                                                                                                       and performance to break the rules for promotion. The proportion of fast lane promotion personnel accounts

                   Focused on the necessary skills needs of cadres and employees in key positions, and carried out special                               for 56% of the overall promotion.

                   training on employee management and business management. During the year, 46 training sessions were                                   Since 2021, we have launched the master"s degree program for research and development core engineering

                   conducted with 1,690 participants.                                                                                                    management, and organized and funded the company"s research and development core personnel to

                   Scene Course Construction: Coordinated with business departments to promote scene course construction                                 apply for the master"s degree in engineering management of Tsinghua University and Harbin University

                   through micro-course competitions, extracted business experience and promoted it.                                                     of Technology. The company has registered 61 people, participated in the examination of 20 people, and

                                                                                                                                                         admitted 4 people in 2022.

                   Precise Improvement of Professional Skills: Precision training on digital and intelligent consulting skills,

                   professional operation of major projects, and value creation skills was conducted for professional sequences                          Established a management/professional dual-channel separation development model, established cadre

                   such as pre-sales, sales, delivery and customer success. A total of 67 training sessions were conducted during                        rank evaluation rules and evaluation procedures, completed cadre evaluation covering the entire group, and


                   the year, with 3,477 participants. The company"s professional sequence employees achieved remarkable                                  gave full play to the guiding role of cadre qualifications in rank management.

                   results in improving their skills.                                                                                                    Started cadre archives and information construction, prepared for the construction of a cadre talent portrait



                                                                                                                                                         information system, and promoted the management of cadre talent labeling.


                   Partner Empowerment: Carried out training including products, implementation methodology and consulting             Development

                   capabilities for professional consulting partners, implementation partners, traditional business partners,                            Promoted the application of Yonyou cadres" common competency models, developed standard training

                   ecological partners, etc. A total of 19 channel transformation and special empowerment training sessions were                         courses of competency model, established Yonyou competency model case databases, and promoted their

                   carried out during the year, with 666 participants, effectively promoting the overall organizational capabilities                     use in various training camps and talent training projects.

                   of partners.

                                                                                                                                       In 2022, guided by business objectives, we implemented multiple cadre talent team construction projects, broadened

                                             In 2022, we made efforts to enhance the promotion and operation of online                 talent development and promotion channels, and helped the company"s human resources construction accelerate

                                             company"s online learning platform "Youle Learning" as the main platform for

Cadres, experts lecturers                    course learning, and promoted the organization of employees of all sequences

were trained

                                             and levels to participate in learning and examinations according to plans. The

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Research and Development

                                                                                                                                           High-end Business Group                      Mid-end Business Group

                                             company"s per capita learning time was up to 130 minutes/month. At the same

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Center HTTP High Potential

                                                                                                                                           "Cadre Reservoir Project"                   "Banmufangtang" Project"

                                             time, we have accelerated the promotion of cadres and experts as lecturers,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Talent Development Project

                                             and carried out training in teaching skills and experience summary. During the

                                             year, a total of 11 authorized lectures were held in 6 high-quality courses, and          With the goal of enriching the business    Constructed a training mode consisting      Combining the requirements of

                                             business skills of the company"s employees nationwide.                                    a three-level progressive training         talents, planning development paths,        empowered from the three dimensions

                                                                                                                                       model from talent selection to vision      and providing tools and resource            of "empowering individuals",

                                             During the year, we cooperated with educational institutions such as Keruihua             expansion to job recommendation            support. Through a professional             "activating teams" and "focusing on

                                             covering strategy, innovation and other contents for employees to promote                 business lines.                            mechanism, improved the thinking            replacement mechanism of dynamic

Employees participated                       all-round development of employees. By the end of 2022, we have worked                                                               ability, project planning and review        management, employees were

                                             with nine institutions to jointly develop 12 training programs that involved 350                                                     ability of the talent team, effectively     motivated to continue learning, and the

                                             employees.                                                                                                                           solved the problem of insufficient          training results were verified by means

                                                                                                                                                                                  talent team reserves, and promoted          of technical challenges, so as to quickly

                                              Learning, execution, synergy, decision-making, insight                                                                              the accurate achievement of key             identify, cultivate and promote talents

                                                                                                                                                                                  business tasks.                             with department-level management


Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                          2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                  Talent Retention                                                                                  Yonyou regards employees as the foundation of the company"s healthy and

                                                                                                                     Deepening      sustainable development, cherishes the physical and mental health of each

                                  We further improved the talent retention mechanism, established and                               employee, and works with employees to create a better life by continuously

                                  improved the policies and systems covering employee motivation,                    the Employee   improving the office environment, organizing cultural and sports activities,

                                  performance assessment and employee communication, such as Yonyou                                 and providing timely help to employees in need. In 2022, we innovated

                                  Network Technology Co., Ltd. Post Performance Assessment System, Yonyou            Care           the employee welfare system and implemented "My Benefits to Choose",

                                  Network Technology Co., Ltd. Stock Option and Restricted Stock Incentive Plan,                    allowing employees to customize non-salary benefits including annual festival

                                  and Innovation Achievement Award.                                                                 benefits according to their preferences, comprehensively increasing employee

                                                                                                                                    participation, and increasing employee identity and sense of belonging.

                                  In 2022, in accordance with the company"s Incentive Measures for Innovative

                                  produced innovative achievements in products and services, business models,                       Optimizing the Workplace Environment

Employees were achieved

                                  solutions, management, etc., and encouraged employees to better practice

the lightweight and agile

                                  the company"s mission and achieve higher value. During the year, we issued                        We actively responded to the Healthy China 2030 Planning Outline. In 2022, we

assessment of the whole group

                                  a reward fund of 4.78 million yuan to 27 teams. In addition, we continued to                      actively promoted a series of measures covering the improvement of the office

                                  promote medium and long-term incentive plans such as equity incentives. A                         environment, commuting, health and safety of employees, and started bit by

                                  total of 387 outstanding employees received equity rewards during the year.                       bit to protect employees" physical and mental health.

                                  in combination with the Post Performance Management System of Yonyou

Communication feedback

                                  Network Technology Co., Ltd., revise and improve the Implementation


                                  Rules of Annual Post Performance Management every year, promoted the                                   Provide a                               Safeguard the

                                  continuous detailing and upgrading of assessment scope, indicator setting,                             Quality Office                          Health and Safety

                                  scoring requirements, etc., to ensure that the target management system and                            Environment                             of Employees

                                  performance management system are scientific and efficient. In 2022, the

                                  lightweight and agile assessment of 21,707 people in the group were realized;                       • Adhered to the selection of          • Added automatic external

                                  appraisal results, and achieved a total of 4,988 communication feedback                                friendly furniture for employees,       areas of the park to effectively

Organizational coverage                                                                                                                  and all furniture panels were           guarantee the emergency

                                  throughout the year, with an organizational coverage rate of 100%. Cadres at all

                                  levels and line business directors/project managers of the company provided                            of high-quality environmental           rescue needs of employees.

                                  comprehensive feedback on the performance results of employees, and timely                             protection E1 level.

                                  recorded the communication results in the "My Feedback" module of the "You                                                                  • Regularly inspected the

                                  Space" continuous performance system, which was delivered to the employees                          • The air quality inspection of           safety of all catering service

                                  in real time.                                                                                          the newly built office area             providers in the park to

                                                                                                                                         was carried out within the              ensure the safety and health

                                  We continued to deepen the construction of the employee communication                                  year, equipped with 36 sets of          of food, food containers and

                                  community, You Space and other information applications, promoted all                                  air conditioners in the park            events occurred during the

Of employee satisfaction                                                                                                                 was cleaned and disinfected             year. The environmental safety

                                  employees of the company to put forward their personal views and suggestions

in 2022

                                  on the company"s business management, technology development and other                                 regularly.                              and food safety guarantee

                                  issues, and irregularly organized online exchange and discussion on the focus                                                                  work of the restaurant in the

                                  issues to solicit employees" opinions. We carried out an employee satisfaction                                                                 park was highly recognized by

                                  survey once a year to fully understand the core concerns of employees and                                                                      the regulatory authorities.

                                  incorporate key recommendations into the optimization process of the

                                  company"s daily operation. In 2022, the company"s employee satisfaction was                            Facilitate Daily                     • Conducted safety inspection

                                                                                                                                         Commuting                               safety of electricity, gas and

                                                                                                                                                                                 fire protection; Carried out fire

                                                                                                                                                                                 drills twice a year, normalized

                                                                                                                                      • Provided shuttle bus services           the promotion of safety

                                                                                                                                         for employees, and added a              production, use of firefighting

                                                                                                                                         number of shuttle bus routes            equipment, safe use of

                                                                                                                                         connecting the company with             electricity and other publicity

                                                                                                                                         key areas and transportation            activities, and built safety

                                                                                                                                         hubs to enhance the employee            protection barriers.

                                                                                                                                         commuting experience.

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                     2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

In 2022, we continued to carry out various activities to help employees maintain physical and mental health and achieve

happy work and healthy life.

                                                                                                                               In August 2022, we held a

                                                                                                                               small and medium-sized

                                                                                                                               "Love Confession Day with

                                                                                                                               Yonyou"s love" Qixi social

                                                                                                                               activity for single employees

                                                                                                                               of the company, with 107


                                                                                              We organized 6 emergency

                                                                                              rescue training sessions in

     In 2022, we launched the                                                                 batches and phases. A total

     second season of the Friends                                                             of 300 employees of the

     of Users cultural storybook,                                                             group and the park service

                                                                                                                                                                                                              In the Mid-Autumn Festival

     completed the editing of                                                                 unit passed the on-site study

                                                                                                                                                                                                              of 2022, we held the Mid-

     the Everything Based on                                                                  and practice. They have

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Autumn Festival activity of

     Creating Customer Value                                                                  completed the assessment

                                                                                                                                                                                                              "Companion with Heart,

     cultural storybook, and                                                                  and successively obtained the

                                                                                                                                                                                                              Reunion with friendship"

     further enhanced employees"                                                              "Ambulance Skills Certificate"

                                                                                                                                                                                                              in the park, with 1,000

     recognition of the company"s                                                             issued by the Beijing Red


     development values.                                                                      Cross.

                                                                                                                                                               Rescuing Employees in Difficulties

                                                                                                                                                               We have formulated the Measures for Subsidy of Medical Expenses for Serious

                                                                                                                                                               Illness and Personal Accident Injuries of Employees and the Management

                                                                                                                                                               Rules for Employee Assistance Fund to provide timely assistance to employees

                                                                                                                                                               and their families in need and reduce the burden of employees. In 2022, we

                                                                                                                                                               provided 584,000 yuan of medical supplement for 288 employees.

                                                                                                                                                               In 2003, the Company established the Management Rules for Employee

                                                                                                                                                               Assistance Fund to help employees and their spouses, children and parents

                                                                                                                                                               to survive special difficult periods in the event of major diseases, personal

                                                                                                                                                               accidents or major natural disasters. By the end of 2022, the accumulated

                                                                                                                                                               amount of aid spent by the relief fund had exceeded 7.49 million yuan. In 2022,

                                                                                                                                                               the company assisted 92 employees and their families through the Employee

                                                                                                                                                               Assistance Fund.

     On October 22, 2022, we organized the "Leading Digitization and Intellectualization and Jump Acceleration" autumn MINI                                    584,000                                    7,490,000

     marathon to promote employees to "step away, practice and happy work".

                                                                                                                                                               yuan of medical supplement was             yuan of accumulated relief

                                                                                                                                                               provided in 2022                           amount

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                            2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

Better                                                                                     04


Yonyou insists on releasing innovation vitality, focusing on building a good

ecological structure, bringing together large-scale ecological partners, and

promoting industrial development and employment security to go hand

in hand; with our core technology as the fulcrum, Yonyou develops a new

driving force for the development of digitization and intellectualization

in the public welfare industry and helps the vigorous development of

philanthropy. Yonyou takes the protection of China"s commercial cultural

heritage as one of the core tasks of fulfilling social responsibilities, and

continuously invests funds to support relevant research, improves the

construction of staff volunteer team, and promotes the company"s public

welfare actions to enter a new stage of specialization and systematization.

Gathering Ecological Partners                        54

Innovating Public Welfare Practice                   55

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                              2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                     In recent years, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and                       By the end of 2022, the development of Yonyou Ecological Partnership has

Gathering                            industrial changes have accelerated the restructuring of the global economy,                      achieved fruitful results. Yonyou had 2,468 ISV partners, 1.1 million registered

                                     and the service market for Chinese enterprises has entered a new stage of                         developers in the developer community, 419 professional service partners,

Ecological                           accelerated development. With the digital transformation of enterprises and                       72 strategic alliance partners, and more than 3,000 commercial partners;

                                     the increasing demand for business innovation, the development in the new                         YonStore, the Yonyou Cloud Market Mall, had more than 10,000 partners, more

Partners                             era and new pattern has put forward higher requirements for the further                           than 16,000 products, 28 new BIP native application products; There were 37

                                     formation of a cohesive and win-win new ecosystem in the enterprise service                       OEM product partners, 85 company-level third-party product and solution

                                     market. Yonyou always adheres to the "integrated" ecological strategy, takes                      partners, and Yonyou carried out BIP ecological cooperation with more than

                                     "integrate intelligence and gather strength" as the core concept, and works                       1,700 banks and enterprises.

                                     with the majority of ecological partners to build a new ecology of enterprise

                                     services to help more enterprises move towards high-quality development.

                                                                                                                                       Yonyou firmly believes that the success of any business activity depends on its

                                          Build and operate the world"s leading business innovation platform,         Innovating       value and contribution to the society. A great enterprise has done something

                                          bring together 100,000 ecological partners, 100 million communities,                         of great significance in its era and created great social value. Relying on the

                                          and jointly serve more than 10 million corporate and public                 Public Welfare   Yonyou Public Welfare Foundation established in 2016, we continued to carry

                                          organization customers.                                                                      out organized and professional philanthropy, and have achieved outstanding

                                                                                                                      Practice         results in the fields of digital and intelligent empowerment of charitable

                                                                                                                                       organizations, commercial heritage protection, etc.

                                     In 2022, we launched the Eco-2.0 era, comprehensively built the "Yonyou

                                     Ecological Partner Network", upgraded the ecological plan and established a                       Yonyou Public Welfare Cloud

                                     sound ecological support system, and worked with partners to promote the

                                     establishment of a global leading aggregated enterprise service ecology.                          We are committed to promoting the digital and intelligent development of

                                                                                                                                       the public welfare industry by relying on our own advantageous products

                                                                                                                                       and services. In 2022, we focused on providing public cloud-based financial

                                                                                                                                       and project management services for public welfare organizations. On the

                                Yonyou Ecological Partnership System                                                                   basis of preliminary research and pilot projects, we officially launched the

                                                                                                                                       "Yonyou Public Welfare Cloud" project, comprehensively expanded the scope

                                                                                                                                       of promotion in the public welfare industry, provided more public welfare

                         Guided by the Yonyou BIP strategy, Yonyou and top partners in the industry make strong                        institutions with public cloud-based financial and project management

                         alliances, relying on the advantages of Yonyou"s cloud service application, combining                         products (YonSuite) and services for free, and improved the informatization


                         with the partner platform and advanced technology to carry out joint innovation,                              level, transparency and credibility of public welfare institutions, helped the


                         create joint solutions, and jointly promote the digital and intelligent transformation and                    public welfare industry open a new era of digitalization and intellectualization.

     Strategic Partner

                         business innovation of enterprises.


     Professional        The Yonyou professional service ecosystem relies on the integration of Yonyou software

     Services Partners   and cloud products and services, provides professional services for customers, and

     (ISPs)              forms a integrated, complementary and win-win joint customer operation service

                         system with Yonyou. Professional service partners include five major categories of

                         professional service partners: consulting, implementation, integrated solutions, project

                         management, and platform technology.

     Independent         ISV partners can carry out product innovation and development based on YonBIP

     Software Vendors    business innovation platform. Yonyou provides ISV partners with complete technology

      (ISV)              and empowerment, rich rights and resources, and helps ISV partners build integrated

                         applications of "business and finance" and "business and management" based on

                         YonBIP, expands the joint marketing between partners and Yonyou, enables customers

                         to achieve operation and management innovation of integration of "business and

                         finance" and "business and management", and enables partners to achieve cost

                         reduction, income increase and sustainable development.

     Business Partner    Yonyou provides VAR partners with a series of services, including organizational system

     (VAR)               construction, market support, sales support, and knowledge empowerment support

                         to help business partners improve market competitiveness and profit margin from

                         multiple dimensions and enhance their brand awareness.

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                                                 2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

By the end of 2022, Yonyou                                                                                                                                              Construction of Staff Volunteer Team

has provided public cloud

                                                     List of funded institutions of "Yonyou Public Welfare Cloud"

products and implementation                                                                                                                                             We encourage, advocate and support the company"s employees to participate

services for 13 public welfare               Number      Organization                                                                                                   in social services and public welfare activities as volunteers, and rely on

institutions, of which 10                                                                                                                                               professional voluntary services to carry forward the company"s public welfare

institutions have completed                  1           Beijing IHEARU Charity Foundation                                                                              spirit. In 2022, 245 volunteers of our "Walk side by side with friendship"

online. In the future, the                                                                                                                                              volunteer service team completed group certification on the "Volunteer

Public Welfare Cloud project                                                                                                                                            Beijing" platform of the Beijing Volunteer Service Federation, and the

will further expand the scope                3           Beijing Hanhong Love Charity Foundation                                                                        cumulative volunteer service time in 2022 was 1,673 hours. During the year, we

of funding according to the                                                                                                                                             cooperated with Alipay to launch the "Yonyou Non-commercial Forest" project,

needs of the public welfare                  4           New Sunshine Charity Foundation                                                                                with a total of 6,700 people participating, achieving a total watering volume

industry, solve the digital                                                                                                                                             of 3.9 tons and planting 27 Pinus sylvestris. In addition, we actively carried

problems for more public                     5           Audiology Development Foundation of China                                                                      out offline public welfare activities involving environmental protection and

welfare institutions, and take                                                                                                                                          donation of old clothes. We carried out 6 activities in the year and participated

the public welfare digital level             6           Love Save Pneumoconiosis                                                                                       in more than 500 people.

to a new level. In addition

to providing products and                    7           Beijing AngelMom Charity Foundation                                                                            In the new era, the volunteer service team of "Walk side by side with friendship"

implementation services, it                                                                                                                                             will continuously improves the volunteer service system of Yonyou through

also provides professional                                                                                                                                              the four dimensions of cultural construction, institutional construction,

financial knowledge, financial               9           Shenzhen Ageing Development Foundation                                                                         organizational construction and project construction. We organizes a series

software, information                                                                                                                                                   of volunteer service activities around "carbon neutrality" and professional

capability training and service              10          Dandangzhe Foundation                                                                                          volunteer service, fully demonstrates the enthusiasm and love of Yonyou,

support for public welfare                                                                                                     "Beautiful China I am an Actor"          and demonstrates our professionalism and responsibility to contribute to the

organizations and rural                      11          Sichuan Haihui Poverty Alleviation Service Center                                                              protection of "blue water, blue sky and pure land" and enables public welfare

financial accounting.                                                                                                             ——Yonyou Non-commercial               digital intelligent innovation.


Arrangement and Protection of China"s Commercial Cultural Heritage

Commercial cultural heritage is a precious and non-renewable resource. With the rapid development of the economy

and society and the great changes in the commercial cultural ecology, the traditional commercial civilization and its living

environment are seriously threatened. With the goal of "inheriting the commercial culture of the Chinese nation and

promoting the development of China"s commercial civilization", we adhere to the development concept of "innovation,

coordination, green, open and sharing", and excavate, sort out, publish and display China"s commercial cultural heritage

by supporting theoretical research, discipline construction, database construction etc., help to inherit and develop and

expand the excellent business culture of the Chinese nation and promote the development of business civilization.

In 2022, we continued to carry out the "Great Wall of Commerce" funding project, donating 3.6 million yuan to fund 16

outstanding Chinese commercial cultural heritage research and protection projects at home and abroad. We added a

major project category with a funding standard of 600,000 yuan, forming three levels of funding for major projects, key

projects and general projects, and guiding scholars at different levels to participate in the arrangement and research of

historical materials of commercial cultural heritage and commercial basic heritage from funding amount and achievement

value. By the end of 2022, we have successively carried out six "Great Wall of Commerce" funding projects, with a total

of 26.625 million yuan donated and 119 projects funded, which have attracted wide attention and praise from all social

circles, and won public welfare awards selected by many well-known media such as Southern Weekend, 21st Century

Business Herald and Public Welfare Times. In the future, Yonyou will continue to promote the arrangement and protection

of China"s commercial and cultural heritage with the "Great Wall of Commerce" project as a handle.

                                                                                                                               A total of more than 100 caring colleagues participated in the on-site donation activity of "old clothes with warm heart

                                                                                                                               and go forward together with love", donated 454kg of clothing, about 1,000 pieces of clothing, some shoes and hats and

                                                                                                                               education assistant book for children in mountainous areas.

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                           2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

                                  The year 2023 is a key year for the continuation of the 14th Five-Year Plan and   our technological advantages and connect with the new mode of production

Future                            the first complete year of construction after the 20th CPC National Congress.     and social operation that is platform-based and ecological. With the hard work

                                  The new journey of Chinese path to modernization is fully launched. After         of Yonyou employees, "making the industry more efficient and the society

Prospects                         years of development, China"s digital economy has connected horizontally          greener" is accelerating into reality.

                                  and vertically, forming a trend of systematic promotion. A series of top-

                                  level documents have deployed the development of the digital economy.             Up to now, we have gradually incorporated the concept of Environment,

                                  The position of the digital economy in the national economy has become            Society and Governance (ESG) into all aspects of the company"s operation, and

                                  more stable. China"s digital economy industry will continue to release new        promoted the company"s sustainable development management into a high-

                                  momentum, and present a diversified radiation development trend. The digital      quality stage with a matching mechanism. With a view to the future, challenges

                                  and intellectual transformation of thousands of industries will burst into more   and opportunities coexist on the road of digitalization and intellectualization

                                  vigorous vitality.                                                                of enterprises. The core concept of "Friends of Users" will, as always, guide us

                                                                                                                    in fulfilling our social responsibilities and practicing sustainable development.

                                  We have written continuous innovation into the development gene. Over             We will continue to focus on the technology ecology with YonBIP as the core,

                                  the past three decades, we have adhered to the development concept of             increase investment, work with the majority of stakeholders, and continue to

                                  "responsibility, openness, innovation, cooperation and green", committed          contribute to the "3060" goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality and other

                                  to promoting the sustainable development strategy of "digital and intelligent     sustainable development strategies, writing a new chapter of Chinese path to

                                  inclusiveness, security and credibility, integration of ecology and green         modernization.

                                  development". In the era of digital economy, we continue to give full play to

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.                                                                                                                                                           2022 Sustainability (ESG) Report

Content Index                                                                                                                    UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Index

                                                                                                                                  Chapter        Content                               SDGS

                                                                                                                                                 In the Eventful Years, the Original

                                                                                                                                                 Intention Remains Unchanged

GRI Content Index                                                                                                                                Sailing Against the Current and

                                                                                                                                  Feature        Taking Responsibility

                           Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.reported the information cited in this GRI Content Index            Story          Focusing on Innovation and

 Statement of use          Summary by reference to the GRI standard from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 (some                              Working Hard

                           content is outside the above time frame).                                                                             Starting with the End and

                                                                                                                                                 Keeping Improving

 The title of GRI 1 used   GRI 1: Foundation 2021

                                                                                                                                                 Improving Corporate


                                                                                                                                  Chapter I.

 Chapter                   Content                                GRI Standards

                                                                                                                                                 Adhering to Compliance



                           Reporting Scope                                                                                        Governance

                           Reporting Standards

 About the Report                                                 2-1 2-2 2-3

                           Data and Information Disclosure

                           How to Get the Report                                                                                                 Strengthen Data Security and

                                                                                                                                                 Privacy Protection

 Chairman"s Message        /                                      2-22

                           Company Profile                                                                                                       Providing Green and Sustainable

                           Organizational Structure                                                                                              Solutions

 About Yonyou                                                     2-1 2-6

                           Awards and Recognitions

                           Social Responsibility Certifications

                                                                                                                                  Chapter II.

                           In the Eventful Years, the Original                                                                    Green

                           Intention Remains Unchanged                                                                            Practice

                           Sailing Against the Current and                                                                                       Practicing green and low-carbon

                           Taking Responsibility                                                                                                 operations

 Feature Story                                                    413-1 417-1

                           Focusing on Innovation and

                           Working Hard

                           Starting with the End and Keeping


                           Improving Corporate Governance                                                                                        Improving Recruitment

                           Adhering to Compliance                                                                                                Management

 Chapter I.

                           Operation                              3 2-9 2-17 205 414 418

 Sound Governance

                           Strengthen Data Security and

                           Privacy Protection                                                                                     Chapter III.

                                                                                                                                  Talent         Expand Development Space

                           Providing Green and Sustainable                                                                        Development

 Chapter II.               Solutions

 Green Practice            Practicing Green and Low-carbon


                                                                                                                                                 Deepen the Employee Care

                           Improving Recruitment

 Chapter III.              Management

 Talent Development        Expanding Development Space

                           Deepening the Employee Care                                                                                           Gather Ecological Partners

                                                                                                                                  Chapter IV.

 Chapter IV.               Gathering Ecological Partners

 Better Society            Innovating Public Welfare Practice


                                                                                                                                                 Innovating Public Welfare

 Future prospects          /                                      /                                                                              Practice

Yonyou Network Technology Co., Ltd.

Yonyou Industrial Park ( Beijing ) , No.68 Beiqing Road,

Haidian District, Beijing, China 100094

Web: www.yonyou.com

E-mail: ir@yonyou.com

Tel: 010-62436838


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